State of CSS 2020: Layout Resources

A collection of resources to learn about the new features of CSS

Full Human


The State of CSS survey is now over, and with so many new CSS features, you can easily be lost. Below are a compilation of resources to keep up to date with the layout features mentioned in the survey.


CSS Grid

CSS Grid is relatively new, and you might be unfamiliar with it still. Below are three resources that should help you with it. First is the MDN documentation. MDN is always a great resource to learn anything about the Web. I will start there to get a good base of knowledge about the topic.

The second resource is the excellent guide by CSS Tricks. There’s also a great guide on Flexbox, and the guide for Grid is as good. The separation between parent properties and child properties make it easy to understand CSS Grid.



Full Human

Software Engineer and author of PurgeCSS — Writing articles about web development regularly