Strapi 3.0 on Google Cloud Platform

Part 1 of “A website with Strapi 3 — Next.js — Google Cloud Run”

Full Human


First part of this series, we are getting started with Strapi 3.0. As mentioned in the introduction, we are going to install it on Google Cloud Platform. The databases will be using Google Cloud SQL while the application will be containerized and run with Google Cloud Run.


One aspect missing from articles and tutorials I come across most of the time is how to prepare for multiple environments. When building a website for a client, or a company, building a development, staging, and production environment is often a necessity.

Fortunately, Strapi has thought about this fact, and you have a database.js file that exposes environment variables. Let’s start by creating two databases using Google Cloud SQL. You can name those (my-project)-staging, (my-project)-production, where (my-project) is the name of your product or application.



Full Human

Software Engineer and author of PurgeCSS — Writing articles about web development regularly