The One Habit That Makes Me Feel Better When I’m in a Bad Mood

Claire Leaden
Full Life, Cheap Living
2 min readOct 31, 2019


And no, it isn’t meditation, though that helps too!

Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

I was feeling down yesterday. Just that usual sadness we all have: questioning where I am, where I’m going, and feeling like I’m not doing enough to bridge those two places.

I’ve read about the scientifically-backed ways to get us out of a funk: looking for the upside, exercise, meditation/deep breathing, writing down what you’re grateful for. And they all work beautifully. But for me, it’s an item on my “gratefulness list” that truly turns my mood around, and pretty quickly at that:


Okay, not just food as in: “I love eating, ice cream makes me feel better, etc.” (though of course that’s true). But rather, it’s knowing I have the ability to make something for myself that’s going to be really, really tasty. So, I guess more like:


Or just combining ingredients in a delicious way. No matter how tight on money I am, no matter how down on myself I feel, I can usually spare $10 to get some creamy brie, a jar of rich Nutella and a loaf of fresh bread. Or some pizza dough, a can of San Marzano tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. (Okay, my love language is clearly bread and cheese).



Claire Leaden
Full Life, Cheap Living

NYC food and culture journalist with bylines in NPR The Salt, The Everygirl, AM New York and others. Read more of my work at