Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

Hope can be scary

Rosie Odsey


especially when it comes to finances.

We’re scared to be wrong. Well, I am, anyway. And maybe you’re like me.

Currently, I’m trying to get on top of my money behaviours (more about that here). This isn’t the first time in my life but this is the first time where I’ve actually sort of believed that it’s possible.

Part of this journey is facing reality. Actually looking at the numbers and looking at what it will take to pay things down.

Part of it is facing the feelings about that reality. My income fluctuates. I accept that. I don’t have much in savings. I accept that. My partner out-earns me and has a heap of savings and no debt. I accept that.

Each one of these and more have required a lot of work. There are many feelings of insufficiency the stupidity, not enough-ness, anger. I accept that.

That bit was hard but it was concrete.

The bit that came after was more difficult for me:

Figure out what I want. Envision the future. Pull it back to the next 12 months.

I’ve spent the last 2 days doing that.

It was terrifying.

In the past, I’ve been so untrustworthy with my finances.

Doing this kind of work means that I’m trusting myself to pull it off, or at least give it a go.

And that feels scary.

It feels scary to hope because it might not go how I think it will.

But I’ve run the numbers.

And…it’s not ridiculously impossible. In fact, it’s quite probable.

To get an emergency fund for my current comfort levels, to pay all the cards off, to save up to move countries next year.

I’m still scared. But now I know what I need to do.

And I kind of believe that I can do it.

Hear me talk about this on the podcast.

Or watch the video:

