Death: Interrupted

Full Spectrum
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2018


How would you feel if your body was skinned, sliced into pieces and paraded around the world for all to see?

Personally, if I looked like this, I frankly wouldn’t mind…

Image: Gunther Von Hagens on Curiator

Gunther von Hagans is the father of the technique known as ‘Plastination’. It’s a way of perfectly preserving the tissue of the body, replacing the fluids of the tissues with plastic and freezing it in time… in whichever way he can envision.


Since he first created the technique in 1977, the German Anatomist’s work has amazed and inspired the medical industry, with him producing works for universities and medical schools globally for study, as well as works available for the general public.


He believes that education about the beauty of the human body is paramount, and his traveling “Body Worlds” exhibit brings the secret workings of the ‘inner’ worlds into the wider ‘outer’.

His technique can isolate nervous systems, circulatory systems, organs, skin and tissues… which can lead to some pretty stunning and — at…



Full Spectrum

Paranormal Investigator | Mental Health Advocate | YouTuber | Feminist | Socialist | I believe in Justice and other Fairytales…