Day one with Full$taxx: Xtra Xtreme programming

Alexandra McCarroll
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2018

Monday morning: We organised ourselves into our group of four — Cindy, Viv, George, and myself. Task one for the day was to review our code from the weekend challenge which involved API’s in vanilla Javascript. Rounding that up, Coach Ed introduced us to what we were going to be doing for the next two weeks — a project mocking ‘Facebook’ in Ruby-on-Rails.

Hard at work (on Slack)

Monday afternoon: After a long and leisurely lunch we started our project. Task one was to come up with a ‘cool’ team name. Viv put forward some initial suggestions generated by the such as ‘Wise Vegetables’, ‘Macho Cat Wankers’ (this is really rude!), ‘Stealth Yellow Tossers’, and ‘Victorious Bangers’. However, in a rush of creativity he came up with ‘Full$taxx’. After that major obstacle was overcome we cracked on with the ‘Getting Started’ tutorial on

Day 1 Retro Board

What we learnt: Ruby on Rails does all the boring, repetitive tasks for you. By typing in a simple one line instruction in the command line you are able to create a database, another line creates the controller and another the view. In summary, Rails made the MVC (model-view-controller) relationship more clear and the fact that you can have more than one is ‘freaky’. In our retro we decided on our MVP for the end of Tuesday which is to ‘Make a post and see it’, and ‘To be able to sign-in and sign-out’.

