Lando Norris: A Turning Point Towards Champion Potential?

Candice Alvey
Full Throttle Femme
3 min readMay 9, 2024

For several seasons, Lando Norris has been a standout talent in the Formula 1 paddock, showcasing impressive skill and consistency behind the wheel of his McLaren. However, despite his obvious abilities, I’ve often felt that Norris lacked the “killer instinct” that defines many F1 legends. This perceived gap in his racing persona could be attributed to a variety of factors, perhaps most significantly to a waning confidence amid the fiercely competitive nature of the sport. Yet, with his recent victory, there’s a palpable sense that we might be witnessing a pivotal transformation in Norris’s career.

Norris celebrating his win in Miami

The Question of Killer Instinct

Killer instinct in motorsport transcends mere aggression; it involves a mental edge, the ability to seize fleeting opportunities during high-pressure scenarios, and a relentless pursuit of victory against all odds. Champions like Ayrton Senna, Michael Schumacher, and more recently, Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton, have all displayed this trait, turning challenging races into showcases of strategic brilliance and bold overtakes.

Lando Norris, while exceptionally talented, has often been more reserved, focusing on consistency rather than risky, high-reward maneuvers. Some have suggested that this could be due to McLaren’s performance constraints or strategic choices. However, others, including myself, speculate that it might also stem from a deeper, more personal battle with confidence, especially when continuously pitted against not only his teammate but the formidable machinery and experienced rivals at Red Bull and Mercedes.

Impact of a First Win

Norris’s maiden Grand Prix win at the Miami GP this season could be the catalyst needed to shift this dynamic. Winning in Formula 1 is not just about being the first across the finish line; it’s a profound affirmation of a driver’s skill, decision-making, and mental fortitude. For Norris, this victory is likely a massive boost to his self-assurance, possibly reigniting his passion and drive for the sport.

The psychological impact of such a win cannot be overstated. It validates years of hard work and struggle, often transforming a driver’s outlook. With this newfound validation, Norris might now possess a deeper well of confidence to draw from, potentially unleashing a more assertive and strategically aggressive racer.

Looking Ahead

The real test will be how Norris builds on this success. Can he maintain this momentum and continue to challenge not just for occasional podiums but consistent race wins? The hope is that his Miami triumph acts as a stepping stone, pushing him to adopt a more aggressive racing style when the opportunity arises.

Moreover, this victory could also shift how his team, McLaren, supports him strategically. With concrete evidence of his ability to convert opportunities into wins, the team might place additional resources and strategic gambits into his hands, further boosting his chances and perhaps his aggressive instincts on track.

The Broader Picture

For any young driver in Formula 1, the journey is as much about personal growth as it is about sporting success. Norris’s career, observed from the sidelines, has been a fascinating blend of steady growth peppered with flashes of brilliance. The expectation is not just that Norris becomes a driver who won a race but one who can consistently challenge the front of the pack and contend for championships.

This is a significant moment in Lando Norris’s career. The hope among his fans and observers like myself is that this victory is not just a one-off but the beginning of a new chapter where Norris harnesses his undeniable talent with a renewed belief in his ability to fight and win — not just races but potentially a championship. As we move forward, it will be intriguing to see how this young driver evolves, hopefully into a racer as fierce mentally as he is talented behind the wheel.



Candice Alvey
Full Throttle Femme

Passionate writer exploring the heart of my interests. Crafting stories and insights about the things I love most.