7 Secrets Of Raising A Confident Girl Child

Better Parenting
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2020

Mummaaaaaaaaaa, Mummmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa come fast, come here soon (jaldi idhar aao…..).

Listening to these words from my 9-year-old girl when she is in some trouble brings self-reliance that my girl is in need for me, and then after getting her out of that trouble, she replies very confidently that “ I knew it, you can bring me out of this trouble easily.

This is what my parents brought me up with- Self-Mastery and Confidence.

Being a best friend of my girl, I am also trying my best to bring out the self-confidence in herself, and hereunder I am sharing 7 secrets of raising a girl child with SELF CONFIDENCE.

1. Teach Them Good And Bad Touch

This is the most important point and hence the first point in my list. Let her understand and differentiate the good and the bad touches.

Yes, raising a girl child is a challenging and complex task in this world of brutality. I always talk to my girl about the good and the bad touches whenever I dress her up for school, party, or any outing.

I am happy that she is so much understanding that even sometimes in front of some unknowns she asks for an excuse to share any top personal and secretive things.

2. Grit!! Empower Her

We all run behind the physical health of our kids every day, eat this do not eat that, have a glass of milk, and so on.

With this physical health, I prefer my girl to become mentally strong and tough too. Hence I always try to build her courageous and grow up with integrity to fulfill her dreams with devotion and achieve her goals with dedication.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts

3. Teach To Identify A Frenemy

A much much important lesson for a lifetime I share with my 3rd-grader is to identify the frenemies. These are people are who act like your friend but actually, they are not.

As these are the ones who don’t appreciate your success much and can become a pull factor in your life.

I would like to add an example here-

When my daughter was in grade 2nd she had a best friend and still, they are friends they both play, stay, dance, draw and do each and everything together and behave like they are a replica of one another.

But when it comes to exams and evaluations my daughter’s friend is always on top, seeing her results my kid asked her- “Hey when did you study more as we are altogether every time, and as much as I study u also did same?”

My girl shocked by listening to her reply that- “After all the activities between us I use to study alone at my place and revise the things and this I never revealed to you.” My baby is still having a lesson from that friend and now understands who is a friend and who is a frenemy.

It is better to trust an enemy than a frenemy

4. Strengthen Her With Her Own Strengths

This can relate to encouraging her in every field, motivating her, and making her believe in her strengths. It will always help to build confidence in her own. Appraising her in-crowd, letting her in for cultural events, helping her to showcase her strengths will also beneficial in turning her into a confident girl.

What I wanted most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky

5. Fight But Never Flight With Situation

In any trouble case instead of the flight, I ask her to fight. It’s always very easy to find an escape route and run away from any situation, but to get her more confident and self-mastery I always help her to fight with the situation. It results in making her more confident with the feeling of- Yes I can do it!!!!

6. Develop Emotional Intelligence

Rather than making my kid think about herself, I prefer to teach my girl child to understand the emotions for oneself and others too.

She should be equally responsible for her happiness and must take part in others well being too by judging and understanding their emotions. It is a key to success for personal and professional life in the future.

7. ValueTo Inner Beauty

My daughter is very fond of good looks she likes to be the best in beauty wherever she goes. With this liking of her, I taught her the importance of Inner Beauty, which is equally important as the outer beauty.

We can be beautiful from outside using many filters and glitters but for inner beauty, I ask her to use a filter of calm, peace, polite and kind. If you are using these products, then you will never get out of your confident path and will lead to a proud moment in life.

Take Away

The best way to teach your kid something is to show them. If you want to raise a confident girl, then be her role model and start behaving confident, powerful, and independent. Girls have always high emotions in them, show them how to convert these emotions in your strength.

So, these were my 7 tricks to raise my girl with confidence. What do you do to make your girl child strong and confident? Comment below.

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Originally published at https://www.piggyride.in



Better Parenting

PiggyRide — an E-Learning platform for kids to explore extra curriculum activities like dance, singing, music, yoga, chess, etc.