How To Raise Your Kids As A Kind Person

Better Parenting
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2020

A child is born kind, compassionate and with no bias for anything that comes around. Most of the positive qualities are present from the beginning, but in the course of time, they may fade if we parents don’t help and nurture them well.

Being respectful, kind and caring towards everyone is something that impacts society for the future. It will grow the child to be happier and successful as well.

1. They Learn What They See

Children catch things quickly, even a toddler is master in it. At times you will be surprised by the things they already know, not because you told them but they saw you doing.

A few weeks back I was putting some toddler clothes for our household helper for her granddaughter, she takes it every 6 months may be all together. My daughter enquired and I told her as you have grown up and we are giving them so that they can use it. Another day I saw my daughter keeping one fancy frock in the same bag which is in one of the closets of hers, on asking she said you have not kept any birthday party frock for aunty’s ( Household helper) baby. So, I am keeping one for her and she added, it is small for me now, thinking I may not allow(maybe)

Trust me, I was happy and emotional to see my 3-year old child sensing kind towards less privileged.

2. Maintain a Loving & respectful Environment

Children learn most of the things at home and with parents, they are impacted by the environment to a great extent. So, it is your responsibility to be respectful to everyone at your home — Your spouses, family, everyone and as well as treating everyone with respect once you go out.

Being polite to the manager in the restaurant and ill-spoken to gatekeeper is one of the worst things to showcase your child, showing such prejudiced behavior in front of your kids will surely impact them.

Respecting everyone should be normal, nothing to do with what tag one is carrying, be it a manager, be it a helper be it, watchman.

Teach your children to be respectful while talking to everyone, elder, younger, anyone and at the same time don’t yell at your house helpers for anything. They learn from your actions, make sure they are good ones.

3. Having Meaningful Conversations From Time To Time

Children can be molded the way you want, make sure you mold them right. They often come with questions, answer them keeping in mind that they are in the learning phase.

Be realistic and practical while in conversation with them. Make sure you have one on one time with your children at least once in a week, and you share stories of kindness and empathy.

Tell them how a kind people grow successfully and how Almighty rewards them for such virtues.

4. Expand The Child’s Concern

Children are good mostly to siblings, cousins, friends, however, our challenge at times is to make them care about someone outside the circle — Like a new student in the class, someone who doesn’t speak as good as of him/her or someone who doesn’t have the same financial status.

However, teaching them how Almighty created all and we can’t bull anyone for anything should be always reminded. Make sure you as a parent also don’t tease people around with names on appearance, color or creed. Remember We all are humans and behave like the one.

5. Helping Children To Manage Their Feelings

Some children happen to be getting angry very quickly once they reach a certain age. At times some happen to be shy, envy, or have negative feelings. Spot them and work accordingly. Regular mentoring has helped many parents to overcome such things.

Try to see things that disturb them and be practical while setting rules as well. Don’t make them rebellious for silly restrictions.

Take Away

The best thing you can do for humanity is to raise a kind human right at your home. Trust me you will feel divine. It feels like an invisible crown over your head when someone appreciates your kids for being well mannered, kind, or respectful.

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Better Parenting

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