Ibrahim AlHusseini
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2020


The Future We Deserve


All across our country, people are rising up and protesting the tragic murder of George Floyd, who died as a direct result of racist police brutality. The moment of reckoning we find ourselves in doesn’t stem from any singular case, but rather a long history of systemic racism that has marginalized and devalued the lives of Black people for far too long. FullCycle stands in solidarity with all those who have lost loved ones as a result of police violence, as we grieve yet another life stolen from us far too soon.

Racial injustice does not end with police reforms — that’s only where it begins. Centuries of racism has led to Black neighborhoods becoming the dumping grounds of all the polluting industries that society doesn’t want in their backyard. From higher pollution, to higher rates of COVID-19 deaths, asthma, and heart disease, Black people feel the weight of systemic inequity on their lives, on their health and in their immediate environment. As our country comes to grips with the need to create a fairer, more just future, it’s clear that government intervention will not be enough — all of us have a role to play, and that means the business community too. FullCycle will be even more aware, even more sensitive, and even more committed to doing right by our customers, investors, employees, and communities we serve. We inherited the world that investors financed 30 years ago, but will live in the future we direct our capital towards today.

Toni Morrison once said “The very serious function of racism … is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being.”

Black people are leaders in the fight for climate justice — a monumental and overwhelming endeavor in and of itself. Our entire planet would benefit if these leaders didn’t have to spend their lives simultaneously battling racism, inequality and police violence.

A better world built on environmental and racial justice for all is fully within our grasp — so long as we have the vision and fortitude to continue building it today.

FullCycle and our individual team members have made donations to the following organizations. Please consider joining us.



Ibrahim AlHusseini

Proud immigrant-entrepreneur, investor, environmentalist, and husband. Committed to solving the climate crisis through @FullCycle.