The changing nature of earning money

Fulldive Co.
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2019

The nature of working and ways of earning money are changing. On the rise is on-demand employment, which is also known as the sharing economy, the gig economy, the 1099 economy or peer-to-peer economy. There is a rapid growth of the amount of gig workers, who provide freelance, contracted work via digital platforms on a short-term basis. In 2017 Uber alone in the United States had almost half a million drivers providing their services. The dazzling success of Uber additionally inspires business-models that are gig-based.

Gig workers are of various backgrounds, some of them are delivery-people, drivers, personal assistants, cleaners, dog-sitters, programmers, teachers, marketing specialists, journalists, and even lawyers. The genealogy of the World Wide Web is helpful for understanding the context of gig economy. Arguably we have entered the third phase of the internet. The first phase made it possible to search and access the information. The second phase facilitated selling of things, including books, music, and file sharing. Now the third phase further expands the grasp of the internet in such a way that labor, skills, effort, and time can be sold…

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  1. Lobel, O. (2017). The gig economy & the future of employment and labor law. USFL Rev., 51, 51.



Fulldive Co.

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