JOB Full Form — What is the full form of JOB?
The full form of JOB can be “ Joining Others Business “. Job is not an acronym. “Job” is the word for work or task. A job is the role of a person in society. More specifically, a job is an activity, usually regular and often done in exchange for a payment. Many people have several jobs, such as father, housewife and employee. A person can start a job by becoming an employee. Some jobs are legal and others are illegal. Illegal job (‘criminals’) is punishable, even if it is done under an employer.
The duration of a job can vary from temporary (for example, odd hourly jobs) to a lifetime (for example, judges). Jobs can be classified by hours per week, full-time or part-time. They can be classified as temporary, odd, seasonal, self-employed, consulting or employment contract. Some government organizations provide smaller and continuous payments called ‘work compensation’ to employees who have worked for a city or armed forces, industry or police and other services for a specific period of time.
Other full forms of JOB
- General Employment Enterprises
- Just Over Broke
- Jump Out of Bed
- Journey Of the Broke
- Job Opportunity Bank
- Jesus Own Blood
- Japanese Ocean Bomb
- Just Ordinary Business
- Just Outstanding Books
- Just Out of Bondage
- Job object (Scheduler)
- Just Over Book
- Jedi Old Boys
- Just Obey Boss
- Jail Of Boss
- Journey Of Business
Originally published at on February 20, 2020.