API endpoint to add(POST) a word

Part ɪ: Building Serverless Api│Story 06: Creating endpoint to post a word

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In the previous post, we added provisioning profile for dynamoDB table where we would store our app data and also configured IAM role permissions that our API would need to talk to the dynamoDB table.

In this part, we will start with creating the first endpoint of our API to add/post a new word to the table.

Install aws-sdk, body-parser and uuid

To work with AWS DynamoDB, we would need aws-sdk package in our serverless application. We’d also install body-parser package to parse the json data and uuid to generate unique ids.

To organize our code better, we’ll keep all our code under src folder.


📂 Create a folder src under the project’s root folder

📂 Create a folder config under src

📄 Create a file app_constants.ts under src/config folder with below code:


📂 Create a folder named modules under src folder

📂 Create a subfolder named words under src/modules.

📄 Create a file create.ts under src/modules/words with below code:👇 (here is the code gist)

Add the API Endpoint in serverless.yml

Next, add the API endpoint to map to the above file we created

In serverless.yml, add a createWord function under the functions property as shown below👇 :

👆 We added a new function createWord.
events: — http, method:post ⇒ this means the event to trigger this function is http post.
path: words ⇒ The endpoint would have the path /words,
handler: src/modules/words/create.main ⇒ the request would be handled at the main function in the create.ts file (we added above).
cors: true ⇒ to support CORS as the frontend would be on a different domain.
authorier: aws_iam ⇒ this means the access to the API is restricted as per the IAM permissions of the federated identity that the user has been authorized with. We will see how exactly this would work when we would set up an Identity Pool from AWS Cognito service.

Test/mock data

Add mock data to test the service locally

If you remember, in our create lambda function, we are setting userId in the data to dynamoDB’s put call as:

userId: event.requestContext.identity.cognitoIdentityId

This would be the federated identity of the user that AWS would set in the request context once the user has authenticated. Right now we don’t have User Authentication set for our serverless application, so at present our lambda function would fail here if we invoke it from the deployed endpoint on AWS.

However, we can give a mock data with userID set to some mock value for testing our function locally using serverless’ invoke local command.

To set our mock data:

📂 create a folder named mocks under project’s root folder

📂 create subfolder named words under mocks folder (<<rootFolder>>/mocks/words).

📄 Create a file named create.json under mocks/words with below data 👇:

Now that we are ready with the mock data, let’s test our lambda function

After the command completes successfully, go to your AWS console and select dynamoDB from the serverless. On DynamoDB, select ‘vocabWords-dev’ table and check the ‘items’ tab of the table. Here you should see the above crated successfully. 👇

👏 Yay! Our lambda function is working.

In the next post, we will set up an endpoint for reading (GET) words from our DynamoDB words table.

Prev: provisioning DynamoDB🏠Next: endpoint to get data

