Installing AWS CLI

Part ɪ: Building Serverless Api│Story 03: Install AWS CLI on dev machine

In the previous post, we created an IAM user with Admin access that we can use to access our AWS Account.

Next, we would install and configure AWS CLI on our development machine.

AWS CLI allows us to manage AWS services from command line. The IAM we would use to configure AWS CLI would also be later used by the serverless framework to access our AWS account.

See detailed instructions here to install on Windows or other platforms.

Next, we would configure AWS CLI to use the admin IAM we created above:

The above command will ask you for the Access Key and Secret Access Key of the IAM account that you would like to configure AWS CLI with. Use the two values we noted down at Note 1 in previous post.

Now that we got AWS account set and also AWS CLI configured, let’s start with building the Serverless API service project for our application.

Prev: Create IAM User 🏠 Next: Serverless framework

