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Host your Website on the Blockchain, Permanently

How to host a simple website on Arweave’s perma-web

Edson Ayllon
Published in
8 min readMay 14, 2020


One summer in 2007, I was introduced to a web design competition held by Oracle called Trio. Trio was a competition for media. The most competitive media being websites. The website competition held by Oracle, if I remember correctly, was called Thinkquest. Thinkquest is no longer acting, being shut down in 2013. Through the short time it existed however, Thinkquest was my introduction to software engineering as a highschooler.

It was great. My teammates created the content that was to be uploaded to the website, and I created the design and code that would be the context for the content they created. It was a great way to express my creativity while also providing utility to the audience we were targeting our content of microlending education to. That was our topic during the competition, microlending.

I learned how to design a website before HTML5 and CSS3. However, I was a highschooler. A broke high schooler. Deploying a website costs money. Around $10 for a domain. And at the time, $10/month for hosting. I didn’t have the money to provide for that at the time but did try it for a few months.

I graduated a few months later and decided to take a gap year before college. Did I know what I wanted to…



Edson Ayllon

The greatest leaders see the future. Software engineer, lifelong learner. Interested in the future of finance.