Testnet is short for test network. Image from Pixabay.

Set Up a Local EOS Testnet

While public test networks such as Jungle and CryptoKylin exist for EOS, you can set up your own local testnet for EOS development

Edson Ayllon
Published in
16 min readJul 8, 2019


Bitcoin, the first decentralized digital currency, saw its first transfer from one account to another January 2009. But it wasn’t until a year later when a public market allowing the trading of Bitcoin emerged. The first cryptocurrency exchange wasn’t Bitstamp or Mt. Gox, but Bitcoinmarket.com, a now dead platform. What an exchange did was bring consensus on what Bitcoin was worth as a currency. But with the rise of Bitcoinmarket followed an influx of scammers. Paypal, which allowed the trading of Bitcoin with fiat, was removed from the site.

Bitcoinmarket’s market successor, Mt. Gox, began handling 70% of all Bitcoin volume by January 2014. One month later Mt. Gox became bankrupt due to a hack. Mt. Gox had previously seen a large hack in 2011, however, still became the largest exchange before their hack in 2014.

Bitcoin, around the ages of Bitcoinmarket, started trading at ~$0.003 per Bitcoin. Before 2014, that number wavered around $100 per Bitcoin. Right before the Mt. Gox 2014 hack, Bitcoin’s price reached over $1,000, a 10x in a few months. Bitcoin, at the time of this writing in Summer 2019, trades over $10,000.



Edson Ayllon

The greatest leaders see the future. Software engineer, lifelong learner. Interested in the future of finance.