Create, don’t consume

Published in
1 min readAug 12, 2017
Photo by Jared Sluyter on Unsplash

I read countless articles on self-help and self-development those past 10 years.

Most of the readers will feel empowered, get excited about the few things they remember. Most likely, 99+% of the readers won’t actually do a thing they just read. They’ll close the tab and go back to their routine. How do I know? I’m one of them.

I get caught up into this compulsive consumption of articles, videos and podcasts and just lately realized that the self-development business if built on hope.

There’s also another type of hope, the one from the writer that some reader will actually do something and execute the instructions, the advise given. The hope that this piece of content changed someone’s life.

After all, it all comes to consumption. I can’t think of a time where my input/output ratio was below 1. Below 50 even, I’m consuming way too much. I’m trying to turn this around and writing is a first step. It’s maybe cathartic too. We’ll see how it goes.

