
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2017
Okay, this was a beautiful day.

There’s this huge (and really ugly) construction site just across the river, in front of my a apartment. It started about a year ago, maybe more, and I can’t count the time my roommates and I complained about it. The nice view we had before, the constant noise during the day, the light pollution in the evenings, me being now unable to take timelapses of the amazing Irish skies, etc.

One thing has been constant though, it grew. This new building is a constant reminder that every day is a chance to grow, adapt, change something.

In hindsight, I changed so much since when this site was just a wasteland. It barely was over a year ago.

Changes can happen overnight. Before you can realize it you became someone else, laughing at your previous self.

I’m sure this building would laugh at this wasteland if it could.

