
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2017
Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

I had my doubts lately. Doubts in others, doubts in me, this kind of introspection that can be dangerous, if pushed too far. But I know it’s just a phase, I’m writing for about 9 years now and everything can’t always be alright, there will be some downtime. I opened the archives of my old blogs and discovered wonders.

Writing is my catharsis; it used to be sports then video games, but writing gives this creativity that few other things offer. You can tell your story, your friends’ story, your dreams, your friends’ dreams, your universe. You can describe the filter through which you see and absorb life and even better — share it to others.

I never thought of writing as anything else than a hobby, a daily exercise to give reality to things you will forget in a few months, even days. To this date, I still can’t describe the value of those 500+ articles I wrote all throughout my studies. It caught realities that were true a specific day, it brings me back to my former self, and I see how far I’ve become. It follows my break-ups, my joys, my fears, my doubts, my amazements, my life.

Writing is will be crap when you’ll start. A private blog, a notebook, anything can work. It’s not an easy thing but in hindsight, you’ll be happy you eventually began.

