“You Smell Like Money”

April Hawkins, Ask A Bitchface
Fumbling Through Love
1 min readNov 26, 2020


I’m going to marry this kid, I swear y’all.


This kid is seriously my spine, y’all.

So, today, he and I were getting ready to go to his parents house for Thanksgiving.

Yes, I know. I can’t believe I actually got up and went either, but that’s an aside.

As many of y’all know, I come from nothing. I won’t be going back there, never, at any time, nope. However, I still have this irrational fear that you can smell the white trash on me. That you can see that gray haze on my skin.

Often times, I’ll crack jokes with him about the fact that I bought my facial care on sale, and even if I had not, it’s the price of looking like I’ve moved up in life.

This morning, I was a nervous damned wreck. I mean, just absolutely about to cry, or hyperventilate, or anything that could have meant I’m sitting my ass to the house, kid, you’re gonna need to go family with your family while I nap with my nap.

But, he poked his head out of the shower and said “You look like money, baby”.

This kid. Man, he’s like poetry meets good sense, he’s just on point.



April Hawkins, Ask A Bitchface
Fumbling Through Love

Author. Columnist. Activist. Poet basically since birth. Defender of dogs and underdogs, follow me on Substack: askabitchface@substack.com