10 Signs You’re an Entrepreneur

You Just Don’t Know It Yet.

Billy Frazier
Fumbling Forward


  1. Your resumé is all over the place. In fact, it might as well be Apple’s Terms and Conditions for iTunes. Your resumé is so long, scattered, and indecipherable that even if someone were to read it, he or she would have no what the hell you’ve actually done in the past.
  2. You’ve always had an issue with authority. At least, that’s what your parents say…and your high school English teacher…and your college professor…and your first boss…and your last boss…
  3. You end up spending a majority of your time on your side hustle. Now that you think about it, you spend 24/7/365 on it. Maybe it’s now your main hustle. Crap! Does this mean you need another side hustle?
  4. You have a bias towards action. So much so that within 10 minutes of discussing an idea with a friend, you’ve already created a Squarespace site, professional emails, an Instagram account, five blog posts for Medium, and a promotional swag pack.
  5. You hate your current job. Just listen to your friends. After all, they’ve heard you complain your job for the past year and a half. You hate your job more than you hate being called a “millennial.”
  6. You don’t have a clear job title. This makes things interesting during the holidays and high school reunions. Thanks to Shark Tank, your Druncle Jim AND your old friend from marching band ask, “What’s it like being an entrepreneur?” You tell them it’s exactly like the show…except no one is paying attention.
  7. You’re an idea person. You know it. I know it. Everyone you eat lunch with knows it. You’re greatest hits include “Renternshippers,” an on-demand service for finding underpaid interns and, “Nomelettes,” a local spot that will unnecessarily reinvent brunch.
  8. You desperately crave life outside of four walls. Let me rephrase that: you desperately crave life outside of these four walls. Those fours walls over there are fine…as long as they don’t come with a boss.
  9. You appear delusional AF. Every time a friend asks how work is going, you feel compelled to launch into your typical rant about human potential, complete autonomy, and how you’re meant for something more.
  10. You don’t play well with others. Actually, that’s not entirely true; they don’t play well with you. (i.e. they won’t follow your grand vision of staging a company-wide walkout, complete with public urination.)

Does this describe you? Did I forget anything? Share your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter at @williamfrazr.

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Billy Frazier
Fumbling Forward

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same. fumblingbook.com