How to Create Your Own Opportunity When There Isn’t Any Around

A Helpful List for Taking Action

Billy Frazier
Fumbling Forward


Whether you work for someone else or not, creating your own active learning experiences can mean the difference between finding happiness in your work or existing in a stagnant coma.

Either way, it all comes down to one word:


Like we’ve heard countless times before, the most amazing things in life happen outside of your comfort zone. With these experiences, the only person you’ll have to ask for permission is yourself.

If you’re not sure where to start (which I assume you aren’t since you’re still reading this post), take a look below for some ideas that have helped me in the past:

  • Create and present your own workshop — Do you have a unique skill? Have you accomplished something out of the ordinary? Put together a simple PowerPoint presentation and share it with others who are looking for a little guidance. Feel free to kick things up a notch with some sweet animations and slide transitions! (Please, don’t actually do that).
  • Become a mentor for students and young professionals — Looking for ways to give back while flexing your teaching muscles? There are plenty of local organizations and non-profits that could use your help.
  • Join the board of an organization — Work in a specialized industry? Search for local groups that represent this industry and ask how you can get involved. I guarantee you’ll learn a lot while making valuable connections.
  • Lead a lunch-and-learn at work — Whether you work in a trendy office or not, people are always looking for professional development. Ask your boss or manager if you can share a presentation during lunch. Who knows? Maybe the company will even offer to cater!
  • Conduct an informal brainstorming session — Are you playing around with a new idea but don’t know where to start? Invite your friends and/or coworkers to give their two cents. Just don’t forget the free beer!
  • Save up for a study abroad program — If you ask me, you’re never too old to study abroad. You may not be in college anymore, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find educational programs in other countries. Personally, my experience abroad fundamentally changed my life.
  • Facilitate a local group — Starting a new writing project? Instead of working alone, give yourself a little accountability by bringing together others who are working on similar projects. You’ll be surprised at how much progress you make in a such a small amount of time.
  • Throw your own networking event — Are you tired of the same networking format: invite a bunch of people, give them booze and name tags, and see what happens? Create your own event around a new format or shared interest. Not only will you be responsible for bringing others together, you’ll also learn something new yourself.

These are just a few ways to create your own opportunity whenever you feel stuck. Don’t see anything above that can help? Take a few minutes to brainstorm your own opportunity that will get you what you need.

How will you actively create your own opportunity?

Do you feel stuck? Have you created your own opportunity? How so? Share your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter at @williamfrazr.

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Billy Frazier
Fumbling Forward

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same.