The Third Time’s the Charm!

I’m finally writing my first book…for the third time.

Billy Frazier
Fumbling Forward


The short version:

After two failed attempts, I’m publishing my first book called Fumbling Forward: Short Stories & Life Lessons From a Rather Unusual Career later on this year! If you’re someone who still has no idea how to answer the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” then it might just be for you.

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The longer version:

Back in 2014, I wanted to write a book.

After freelancing for a while, I thought others might enjoy a collection of short stories and lessons from some of my most memorable moments, but like so many others, I let analysis paralysis get the best of me and I gave up.

Fast forward a few years later and I started another book.

This time, I wanted to capture some of my craziest stories from my past life working customer service jobs. I figured others would be able to relate and at least find some of the stories funny or entertaining.

Once again, my inner critic reared its ugly head and whispered into my ear, “Why the fuck would anyone care about you or your past jobs?”



Billy Frazier
Fumbling Forward

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same.