This Is How I’m Managing My First Book Project in Miro

A peek behind the curtain at my Miro board

Billy Frazier
Fumbling Forward


When I say the word “writer,” who comes to mind?

Is it some middle-aged Hemingway wannabe sipping on another whiskey neat as he types away in a mahogany-clad office? Or maybe it’s someone a little more artsy jotting down character sketches on a napkin while posted up at a bar?¹

Whoever it is, I’m sure you would use plenty of words to describe them, words like creative, eclectic, or obsessive, but I bet there’s one that wouldn’t come to mind:


You see, even in 2024, writers still get a bad rap. Sure, we may be good at telling tall tales, building worlds, and creating something from nothing, but we’re not always known for our project management skills. You know, boring things like timelines, budgets, and scope.

We’re still seen as scatterbrained and disorganized, but as those of us who have published, launched, or brought something kicking and screaming into the world know, you have to organize the chaos.

Maybe it’s the consultant in me, but I can’t imagine approaching any creative project without first getting my ducks in a row. After all, Parkinson’s Law is real and you really will end up filling as much time as you give…



Billy Frazier
Fumbling Forward

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same.