You Will Never Be Ready

So You Might As Well Start Now

Billy Frazier
Fumbling Forward


I don’t mean to be blunt, but what the fuck are you waiting for?

You have an idea, right?

Let me rephrase that; you have the initial spark of an idea. You know, that thing you can’t stop thinking about while taking a shower, driving in the car, or “working” at your desk? Even your friends are tired of hearing you talk about it.

This idea consumes every waking minute of every day and, for some reason, it remains locked away in your mind. Hell, maybe you even took the first step and wrote it down in a notebook. The thing is until you do something about it, it will stay there, withering away like every other idea you’ve ever had.

I know what’s holding you back. I know because it’s the same thing that paralyzes everyone else:

You’re not ready.

It’s not perfect. The timing is off. You don’t have enough money. There aren’t enough hours in the day. You’re not smart enough. It’s a stupid idea. No one will help you. You’re too young or old to get it done. No one will want it. It’s going to fail. You’re stuck. It’s already been done before. You have no idea where to start.

Whatever the excuse is, it’s just that — an excuse.

Don’t get me wrong, you’re not the only one with excuses. Redirecting blame is as human as eating, sleeping, or breathing. It comes with all of the other messy, imperfect quirks and neuroses.

Excuses are easy. Unlike good ideas, they take absolutely no effort to make, they’re always available, and everyone has them.

Do you know what’s hard?

Starting before you’re ready.

Making a leap of faith before having a full plan. Taking the first step without having any idea where you will eventually end up. Doing one small thing today without knowing what to do tomorrow. These are actions that set you apart from everyone else. It doesn’t make you better — just different.

In a world where great ideas die every day in the minds of people who don’t take action, being different is good. Being different means putting yourself out there for everyone to see. This is the hard part. This is when failure becomes an option and, like most people agree, failure fucking sucks.

Failure is a cheap gut punch that knocks the wind out of you. In the moment, it hurts so bad, you’re not sure that you’ll ever recover.

What most people don’t realize is that failure is also a bee sting. It hurts, but it’s never as bad as you think. Unless you’re deathly allergic, the irrational fear that comes before is usually much worse than the actual sting.

Take a second to let these words sink in. Once they do, take the first step and then brace for that gut punch. Take that bee sting. Sit with the pain until it wears off. No matter what you think now, it will fade. Once it does, you’ll be a few inches closer to making your idea happen.

After many more ups and downs, you will eventually have something to show for all of those bee stings and gut punches. You will have an idea that exists in the world and I guarantee, this is worth any amount of pain.

Remember, you will never be ready, so you might as well start now.

Do you have an idea that you want to pursue? What are you waiting for? Share your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter at @williamfrazr.

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Billy Frazier
Fumbling Forward

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same.