20 Strange Cat Facts You Need To Know

These fascinating cat facts will make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside

Duane Michael
Fun Facts Galore
3 min readJun 23, 2022


These fascinating cat facts will make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside
Photo by Jari Hytönen on Unsplash

You may adore your cat, but you may be unaware of just how cool they and their species as a whole is. Clearly, your feline companion is more than meets the eye.

To help you fully appreciate how amazing cats are, I put together this video of 20 strange cat facts you need to know. Before we get started, if you like these articles, you should visit my Interesting Facts YouTube channel.

Let’s begin with our strange cat facts you need to know.

When cats climb a tree, they cannot descend it headfirst. Because their claws are pointing in the same direction, they must go back down.

Your cat is not only showing affection by rubbing their head against you, but they are also marking you as their territory. They do so by using the scent glands located around their faces, tail bases, and paws.

Cats are actually more popular than dogs in the United States. There are approximately 88 million pet cats and 75 million pet dogs.

Cats are unable to detect sweetness. Scientists believe it is the result of a genetic mutation affecting key taste receptors.

In the 1750s, Europe introduced cats to the Americas as a form of pest control.

Cats only meow as a way to communicate with humans.

Cats can recognize your voice. So, they are simply ignoring you.

The sections of the brain that control emotions in cats and humans are nearly identical.

Cats can move both ears independently and around 180 degrees.

While cats are thought to have a lower social IQ than dogs, they are capable of solving much more difficult cognitive problems.

Cats’ and other animals’ noses have their own distinct print, similar to a human fingerprint.

When cats do not cover their poop, it is interpreted as a sign of aggression, indicating that they do not fear you.

Cats use their whiskers to see if they can squeeze through a narrow space. The whiskers of a large cat are likely to be longer.

When cats bring you a dead bird or a mouse, it’s not a sign of affection, but rather a warning that you’re terrible at hunting.

In just ten years, a female cat can give birth to approximately 49,000 kittens. Another reason to have your pets spayed or neutered.

When cats walk, their back paws step almost exactly in the same place as their front paws did previously, reducing noise and limiting visible tracks.

Cats are able to drink seawater. Their kidneys can filter salt out of water, which humans cannot.

Cats have both short and long term memories. This means they can recall events from up to 16 hours ago in the short term.

Cats can make more than 100 different sounds.

A cat’s tongue contains 473 taste buds.

That’s all for now, folks. Did we leave out any interesting cat facts? Let me know any interesting cat facts you know that I left out.

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Duane Michael
Fun Facts Galore

I am a creative visionary and storyteller, weaving my dreams into words. It is my goal that you will enjoy my words. 😊