Using a venue finder to have an awesome 21st birthday

JNH Solutions
Function Rooms
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2015

Planning a 21st can be a lot of work, there is organising the venue, sending out the invites, catering, music and much more to consider. So where do you start?

Locking in the venue should be the first step as you can’t do the invites without a venue. If this process disturbs you , luckily there is a free service that can help you find a venue in your area. The idea of a venue finding service, is for you to let them know your requirements, such as the number of people, budget and type of venue. This will help them get a better understanding of what venue you require.

How come it’s free? Many of theses services get a commission from the venue for drawing large numbers and function room bookings. The main advantage is that it saves you plenty of time cutting out the venues that are unsuitable for your 21st birthday. This allows you to focus your energy on more important aspects of your birthday.

So who might use a service like this?

* Parents can often be out of touch of what today’s 21st birthday requires. This service can help them find a function room to suit the guests

* Time poor people. A majority of 21 year old’s are already very active in the workplace and working long hours to get ahead in life. This service will help them find the venue without walking around the city to help find a suitable venue.

* Special requirements. If you have a special requirement such as must have pool table or a jukebox then a service like this can help weed out the unsuitable venues.

It is important to remember that when you go with a venue finding service that the final decision is yours and yours alone.



JNH Solutions
Function Rooms

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