BOB shipment update

Function X Foundation
Function X
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2020

Development in progress and now we need more time for the production

Building the world’s first blockchain smartphone Blok On Blok (BOB) to be best quality is of utmost importance to us. We’ve been working diligently to ensure Function X and BOB will be able to deliver great experience.

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, there have been various quarantine and business slowdown measures imposed by the PRC government in many areas since late January. A lot of companies have temporarily shut down offices, stores and factories in China as well as restrict their employees from traveling in light of the COVID-19 situation. As many of you are aware, since manufacturing factories have suspended their operations temporarily, the delivery date of many electronics products and parts has been affected. The production of the Blok On Blok (BOB) phone has also been impacted and the original April release date and its production timeline has had to be adjusted.

Although work has gradually started to resume in some offices and factories in China, many are still experiencing a manpower shortage and have not fully resumed normal production. We anticipate that most smartphone production will be delayed. We are now working closely with our supply-chain partners to get updates on their business continuity plans and will keep you posted on the production progress for BOB.

In the meantime, the team has already made plans to ensure that progress on the Function X ecosystem remains on track. All Function X developers have been working remotely from home, focusing on developing the infrastructure for Function X’s cross-chain transactions. One of the key tasks is to have the XWallet app integrated so that it runs on the Function X Blockchain. Concurrently, the team is also working on the governance of Function X Blockchain. You can join the discussion here.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are affected by COVID-19 and the frontline medical staff who are fighting and doing their best. We understand that a delay in BOB production isn’t ideal and we apologize for that. We hope you will understand and we thank you for your patience. If you have any issues or concerns regarding your BOB order, you can always reach our support team via email, preorder [at]

