[Notification] The change of daily start time for NPXS/NPXSXEM- FX conversion

Pundi X (writers)
Function X
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2019

To accommodate NPXS/NPXSXEM holders in European time zones to convert, the team has adjusted new start time as follows:

From Apr 20 to 30, 10:00:00 am GMT+8

From May 1 to 31, 6:00:00 pm GMT+8

From June 1 to 30, 10:00:00 am GMT+8

From July 1 to 14, 6:00:00 pm GMT+8

This change implies the hours of daily conversion period may vary on Apr 30, May 31, June 30.

For example, if the NPXS/NPXSXEM quota of the day is not filled, the conversion time on Apr 30 will last more than 24 hours due to the time change on May 1. On May 31, if the NPXS/NPXSXEM quota of the day is not filled, the conversion time on May 31 will be less than 24 hours.

Thank you for your feedback and support!

