Summary of Function X All-Hands Meeting on 17th March 2022

Indra Winarta
Function X
Published in
5 min readMar 18, 2022

Thank you to those who participated in the March All-Hands meeting via Zoom. We had over 48 participants in this meeting. If you missed the All-Hands Meeting live session, you can watch it here at:

Here is the brief summary:

  1. Ukraine Donation

Pundi X and Function X have collaborated with Hope For Children, the Cyprus-based humanitarian organization, to launch “Hope For Children NFT” to accept crypto donations to support children suffering from the war in Ukraine. A total of 50,000 Hope For Children NFTs issued as a proof of donation for donors to collect.

The “Hope for Children” NFT collection features 100 different designs, all featuring children of all races holding signage to display their desire for peace, no war, trust, love, and so much more.

The holders having $PURSE on BSC chain are able to mint Hope For Children NFT in f(x)wallet beta or any BSC compatible blockchain wallet, including Metamask, and others. 20,000 $PURSE will be collected from each NFT and we currently have raised more than 1,000,000 $PURSE.

All proceeds from this donation will go towards providing basic needs items and services to children and families affected by the war in Ukraine. The organization will also coordinate with partners in neighboring countries such as Romania, Slovakia, Poland, and Moldova to send clothing, medical supplies, and dry food.

Additionally, Pundi X will donate 100 XPOS devices (which enable crypto transactions with brick-and-mortar retail stores) to licensed distributors, merchants, and humanitarian organizations in Poland as well as Ukraine, to help them transact in crypto. Poland has notably taken in thousands of Ukrainian refugees. The Function X Foundation also will work with Polish Humanitarian Action and the Crypto for Ukraine project to take donated cryptocurrency and help transfer them to humanitarian organizations. A donation FXCore address will be announced on both Crypto for Ukraine and Function X official site.

You can find more info here.

2. FXDM New Website
FXDM has built a new website and we are currently working with our backend team to adjust the design. As of right now, you can find FXDM information on: The revamped website is expected to be online at the end of March (or mid April).

And also, we have distributed the rewards for all FXDM submissions. Thanks to community contribution. For outstanding submissions that are chosen by FXNeers and the community, we will have extra rewards called “Editor’s Choice” up to 1000 $USD worth of $FX. The amount of all the rewards are increased to attract quality submissions. Details are announced here.

3. Development Monday Board
Link to the Monday board:

You can also access it from the Function X website (go to and click Community Tab and Product Pipeline).

This Monday board will be the official board to update the Development status (to internal team and external community members). There are several categories (based on the product), such as:
- f(x) Wallet
- f(x) Explorer
- DEX (Margin X)
- f(x) Core
- deXPOS
- XPOS, XWallet, XPASS
- Website
- Activity and others
- Gitbook
- DApps
- Compliance

Here is the Workflow for Feature Request (Picture 1) and BD Request (Picture 2)

Picture 1: Feature Request
Picture 2: BD Request

The workflow between Feature and BD requests is similar, but in BD workflow, it will require more internal discussion. Each product will have several statuses before release:

  • Open for discussion (gathering feedback and information from the community before adding it to the pipeline)
  • Suspended (if community shows no interest or if tech requirements not viable)
  • In backlog (lacks Technical documentation before being moved to “In Pipeline”)
  • In Pipeline (has technical documentation but needs further assessment and assignment to project managers)
  • In development
  • Testing
  • To Release
  • Released

We expect the most latest progress will be shown on this board which means this is open for all to see. It is possible that the community may know before anyone else.

4. Presentation from Fox Project (Loil)

Fox Project is planning to launch a NFT Marketplace on f(x) Core and has submitted a proposal to the forum. Fox Project has the NFT Marketplace on Rinkeby Ethereum testnet and you can check the Marketplace presentation here (starting from 21:30–37:00)

5.Development Updates

a. Function X website redesign
Other than the FXDM website, we are also redesigning the Function X website. One of the main objectives is to make it clear what Function X is about and separate the operation of FXDEX which is now officially called MarginX (thanks to the community naming it).

b. EVM Update
EVM Update is on DevNet, and it is currently under testing. So far, there are no major bugs. If nothing goes wrong, we will bring it to Testnet (for 3rd party developers) to test in the upcoming weeks.

c. Council and Sub Council announcement
Council members — David Ben Kay, Yos Adiguna Ginting, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto.

Marketing / FXDM Sub Council — Andreas Harpas, Judie, CryptoWar, TelChar, Scene, Claudio.

Technology Sub Council — FrenchXCore, Kenorb, Richard, Zac.

Questions from Community members:

1. (Riz Truth) Tell us more about DEX development. I know development can be very hard or timing cant be precisely pointed out. How are things moving in general?

Zac: As you know, we have launched Margin X on Testnet. We are deliberating to launch it on Testnet 2 / directly to Mainnet. We are polishing it and will launch it in the upcoming weeks.

David: We are really trying to prepare better marketing support for Margin X, so the community can get the points that developers want to deliver on the launch.

2. (Muamer) Muamer invited Function X to come to a Summit in Montenegro and he will arrange a meeting between Function X and Montenegro Prime Minister & Government to discuss token creation for the government on f(x) Core.

3. (Blokhead) Do we have any feedback regarding the free XPOS offering/ donation?

David: A lot of countries are looking at how El Salvador is going with the Bitcoin implementation. We cannot give any exact date, but we will publish the official announcement once it’s ready to open to the public.

4. (Kuzo) Are we planning to open Spot trading for Margin X?

Zac: We do not plan to offer Spot trading, we will focus on Derivatives for now.

That’s all for this month. Once again, thanks for your participation in this meeting.

What do you think about our All-hands Meeting in Zoom? Is it a good way for you to engage and participate? What can we do to make it better? We welcome your discussion and feedback at

