How to Start Your Web3 Membership Business

Tobi Schoder
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2019

Fundabit Liberates Creators Step-by-Step

So, you’ve heard of Fundabit’s mission to liberate the creative class. Now, anyone can take advantage of the power of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Gain true creative freedom and build a direct/P2P relationship with your fans.

Just a few clicks and you can start accepting recurring crypto payments for your private community, content service, membership business or crowdfunding campaign.

Thanks to Ethereum smart contracts, your subscribers enjoy the convenience of automatic monthly payments directly from their own wallet, all without giving away their private key or locking up funds.

1. Let’s get you signed up.

Go to to get inspired by the creators who are already on Fundabit. You can browse the platform with any browser but to sign up, you need a web3 browser. You can use Opera (desktop), Cipher, Trust & Coinbase (mobile), or the MetaMask extension (for Chrome and Firefox).

This is necessary to make transactions on Fundabit more secure and friction-less. To create your account, you then need to sign a message. This proofs that you own the Ethereum address connected to your profile (this doesn’t cost you anything).

Signing up (on Trust Wallet for iOS)

2. Create your page.

First, click on your profile and then on “Create Communtiy”.

Create Community

Now, fill out the basic info about your project and give it a cool banner image. Set a monthly goal you want to reach and describe what your fans will get in return for their subscription. Finally, set the subscription price (only one tier at the moment) and chose your ERC20 token you want to accept as payment (only one coin at the moment).

Note: Ether itself is not an ERC20 token but wrapped-ETH and wrapped-BTC actually make Ether and even Bitcoin ERC20-compatible. However, we recommend using the DAI-stablecoin (1 DAI = 1$) to remove the volatility of crypto payments. You can instantly switch your Ether to DAI, wETH or wBTC on (no registration needed).

Nothing left to do, but to hit submit. What happens now is pretty cool. By submitting your project, you actually deploy your very own smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain. Its connected to your wallet and handles all of your payments, meaning you actually truly own your audience.

Note: you need about ct50 in ETH to pay for the gas fee. Also, the deployment may take a few minutes. Wait until you get forwarded!

Deploying subscription smart contract (on Brave Browser)

Join the revolution and start your project today on 🚀

Also, we put out new features every week or so. Follow Fundabit on Twitter or Medium and you will be the first in the know.

