The Structure of Consciousness

Photo credit: Tanja Mamas

Following my two latest posts on discernment and the unified field, the third fundamental principle I want to discuss is the structure of Consciousness. When the underlying basis of existence emerges on the finest level — which is Consciousness — it does so with a lively and dynamic structure.

The Veda, the source of all existence, is born out of one, and only one thing. It lies beyond relativity, beyond the realm of things, and is therefore sometimes referred to as “no-thingness.” Some call it “pure Is-ness” or “pure Consciousness.” Others call it “the unified field” of physics. Others call it “God.”

Before this universe was even in existence, when all that existed was an unbounded field of pure Consciousness, what could Consciousness become aware of? Itself. It’s like catching your reflection in the bathroom mirror and momentarily thinking there are two people in the room. Consciousness does the same thing: it becomes conscious of itself, does a double take, and perceives that as another. Duality is born out of Oneness. Consciousness, by its nature, is conscious. So it becomes aware of this duality, and a third thing is born. Becoming aware of this, a fourth thing is born, and this is how Consciousness casts out to infinity with a precise mathematical structure. In Eastern tradition, this underlying structure is called the Veda. In the West, it is called the quantum mechanical realm. This is a lively, dynamic, interactive process.

All things, including the Veda, are born out of the self-interacting dynamic of that Oneness. Pure Consciousness interacts with and becomes aware of itself, over and over again. It has been compared to the emptiness in the center of the seed (no-thingness) which gives birth to the seed (the Veda), which in turn gives birth to the entire tree (existence). All Knowledge of the tree of existence is contained within that Oneness, that Is-ness, that unified field.

The self-interacting dynamic of pure Consciousness, the Veda, acts as a recording, eternally pulsating at the depth of existence. In ancient times, Rishis (Seers), refined their physiology to the extent they became a “record player.” These Rishis were capable of allowing those pulsations to well up from the depth, through their physiology, all the way to the physical level of existence. The process began from deep within the Rishi and went out through his vocal cord into the air as sound. This process is called “Vedic cognition.” Then that sound entered from outside the listeners and went into the depth of their being.

Schools were created to train Pandits to memorize what was being chanted by those Rishis. The Pandits then functioned as recorders, saving the cognitions of the Rishis for people to hear throughout the ages. When Pandits chant the Veda, the vibrations reawaken deeper levels within the listener. Therefore, when Pujas and Havans are performed with strict adherence to Vedic tradition, they become a powerful tool to facilitate the health and evolution of the listener.

Imagine the entire universe is a sandbox and the unified field (God) is continually sending a vibration through it. As a result, the evolution of species is propelled forward in a direction that, over time, more and more fully embodies the intelligence, order, harmony, and coherence inherent in the unified field itself. Where does that process culminate? It culminates with a species that fully embodies all of the intelligence inherent in the unified field. That species is humankind.

Ultimately, a new state of humanity will be achieved, bringing about changes exceeding those we’ve seen over the past several hundred years. It is essential to understand that this change is a new mode of human function. As we awaken to an intelligence within us that dwells beyond the grasp of any belief system, it will free us from the constraints of belief systems. It is the next major step in human evolution.

The fundamental pulse of our universe, from unity to multiplicity and back, is embodied by the human spirit. Our species can bring completion to that cycle. We dwell on the crest of the wave — the unification of all diversity within the awareness of an individual. Your greatest treasure is the potential to unify your awareness… Only then can you live in harmony with Natural Law.

Dr. Michael Mamas is the founder of The Center of Rational Spirituality, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the betterment of humanity through the integration of ancient spiritual wisdom with modern rational thought. From personal issues to global trends, Dr. Michael Mamas helps individuals and organizations develop a deeper understanding and more comprehensive outlook by providing a ‘bridge’ between the abstract and concrete, the Eastern and Western, and the ancient and modern. Dr. Michael Mamas has been teaching for 35 years (including the U.S., India, Europe, and Canada) and writes on a variety of subjects on his blogs, and



Michael Mamas
Fundamental Principles for Personal Evolution

Author and teacher Michael Mamas is a thought leader in the areas of spirituality & personal development.,