A note from our CEO

Olivia Rönnlöv
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2020

I hope this note finds you well. As the CEO of FundedByMe I want to thank you for the year that has passed. 2019 was a very intense year for us, which we started by becoming a listed company. Last week we officially shared our performance rates for the past year. For me, as an entrepreneur and CEO, it has been one of the toughest and most interesting years since Arno and myself founded this company, 9 years ago. But with that said, it has also been completely worth it. My love for crowdfunding, including the support from the people like you, continues to give me and the rest of our team energy to work harder and strive for even better and more interesting opportunities.

As many of you know by now, Arno and I had a vision back in 2010 that we could build something that could help companies raise funds, while allowing the crowd to be part of the journey. We started with a strong vision and passion, which today has grown even stronger and become even clearer. With the new upcoming EU regulations, the field of crowdfunding will become even more defined, and I can promise you that we will continue to fight to ensure that crowdfunding continues to grow, not only in Sweden but globally. To ensure that all companies no matter size, can benefit from our knowledge, experience, and tools. So that everyone can become a part of the companies and ideas that they love.

Since we are a listed company today, we are only able to share our financial numbers twice a year. Last week’s report showed that we are working hard and that the measures we have taken throughout the year to become more cost-efficient have started to show results. I am very proud of our accomplishments, and I wanted to share some of our latest ones with you. Unfortunately, some of the reports are in Swedish, but I hope you will find the information below as interesting as I do. Links below! 💚

Press release in English
Statistics for 2019 (English)
Analys av Stockpicker (Swedish)
Pressmeddelande på Svenska (Swedish)
Livesänd pressträff 18 februari (Swedish)

Thank you!


