Syndicate Manager, David Musu’

Funderbeamer exclusive bio

Funderbeam Wire
Published in
5 min readMay 16, 2018


You can take the islander off the island, but you can never take the island out of the islander.

Our man from Malta is understandably proud of his island nation. As the rest of us Funderbeamers have come to learn, Malta has the best fireworks, amazing food, lots of traffic, and a famous site included in numerous Game of Thrones scenes. But that’s only the tip of the spear when it comes to what our Syndicate Manager, David Musu’ brings to our team.

From the first day I joined Funderbeam, I learned that David is the most helpful person I have ever met. Always smiling and never says “NO.” David is hardworking and enthusiastic. Happy to have him as my colleague.
— Head of Operations, Monika Tooming-Varblane

Before joining Funderbeam, David worked as a full-stack software developer as well as a software developer/product owner for a Maltese insurance agency. Prior to that, he worked at an institute of higher education as a programmer and lab technician.

Additionally, David spent time as an active volunteer at the Junior Achievement Young Enterprise, which is a non-profit entrepreneurship education institution specialising in providing entrepreneurship education programmes to young people. In 2014, he volunteered at the JA Europe’s Company of the Year Competition, which, as fate would have it, took place in Estonia. This was his first taste of Tallinn and an eye-opening introduction to the Estonian Startup ecosystem.

It can be hard to keep up with the energy David possesses. You better have good reasoning and explanation skills because he is relentless in asking questions and challenging your views. He is a super hard-working and devoted person with a very likeable personality. He is also the father of flora and fauna in the office.
— Cofounder, Urmas Peiker

As mentioned above, David is currently one of our Syndicate Managers. This particular role within Funderbeam has a number of responsibilities but they are primarily focused on guiding companies through the fundraising process on Funderbeam as well as maintaining the customer relationship beyond their campaign. It is our syndicate manager’s responsibility to personally guide founders as they prepare their campaign materials, organise client agreements, and offer valued feedback for the syndicates’ campaigns. David is a star in this regard.

David is an omnipresent person at Funderbeam. You can always hear and see him with his open attitude and usual question, “How are you? Can I help you?” One morning, during the early days of David’s employment, I made myself a nice cup of coffee and went to check my computer. Meanwhile, David simply took my readymade coffee and began to drink it. The others told him that he just took the CEO’s coffee and you should have seen his face. Since then David always asks, “Can I make you a cup of coffee?” It’s okay David, I don’t mind making coffee😄 — Founder and CEO, Kaidi Ruusalepp

But this is not how David’s career with Funderbeam began, nor was his current role, his initial aim. But like the actor Ken Stott, David left room for serendipity and doing so offered him opportunities.

“I always leave room for serendipity and chance.” — Ken Stott

Let’s let David put it in his own words…

I was scouting for software development related opportunities in Estonia and Scandinavia. During my search, I stumbled upon an ad for a customer support specialist role at Funderbeam. I don’t remember much about the ad other than the words startup and blockchain, but that intrigued me enough to learn more. Having had prior experience founding a startup myself (through the JAYE 2008/09 programme), I was very interested in going through a similar experience but on a bigger scale. The whole aspect of the blockchain was also very intriguing, due to my interest in computer science, and not having any prior experience with this technology.

At the time, there wasn’t an opening for a software developer. But I thought they would require a new developer sooner or later so I saw the Customer Support Specialist role as a way to get my foot in the door. However, before long, I fell in love with the business side of Funderbeam.

The rest has been history. Since joining Funderbeam, David has been a great ambassador for those actively using the platform and has continuously proved himself to be a worthy teammate and friend.

To give you a better sense of how dynamic David is, some of his biggest passions are around game development and interactive software, followed by anything startup related. He loves learning about new technologies and is a massive tinkerer. He gravitates towards numerous hands-on activities, whether it’s building/repairing something, cooking, or gardening.

Well, especially gardening (see cartoon)…

See below for more photos of our favorite Musu’:

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Funderbeam Wire

The Global Funding & Trading Platform connecting ambitious companies with smart capital, and creating unique liquidity for investors.