Why Performing Arts funding is so Vital.(Persuasive)

Sophie Stone
Funding for the Arts
1 min readDec 12, 2018

If you are planning on doing any type of performing art, funding to even participate is vital! “This is disappointing, considering the research that links literacy skills to music and points to an intimate connection between rhythm, speech recognition, and reading” (Quintero) This quote talks about an Elementary school teacher who recognizes the sad truth about music being cut from a school budget and curriculum.

The teacher of this past quote who had a student who struggled academically but thrived in music. The music gave him confidence to thrive in academics and have less behavioral issues. been struggling with reading and math and was often disruptive in class, proudly turned his paper over and showed me what he had written on the back. “I was expecting a drawing or doodles. Instead, he had written a poem about the game “Angry Birds” complete with the correct rhythms for each word. He had created a unique poem, something that was his own and he could be proud of.” (Quintero) “A third grader now, Chase is thriving in music, has fewer behavioral problems, and struggles less academically.” (Quintero)


Plus, Teach. “Funding for Arts Education Is Vital for Students.” The Huffington Post, TheHuffingtonPost.com, 26 Apr. 2017, www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/funding-for-arts-education-is-vital-for-students_us_5900a58fe4b06feec8ac9237

