When Life Gives You Lemons

Make lemonade for rhinos!

Australian Rhino Project
Fundraising Heroes
3 min readMay 3, 2017


When Ela and Persia found out about the rhino poaching crisis in South Africa, they took it upon themselves to take action for rhinos… And have a bit of fun in doing so!

Ela and Persia managed to raise nearly $60 through lemonade sales for The Australian Rhino Project. Image: Aylin Cabuker

Tell us a little bit about yourself

Ela: My name is Ela and I am eleven years old. I love dumplings, food, animals , fashion and my friends.

Persia: My name is Persia and I am 11 years old. I am in year six at school and I love English, science, history, art and drama.

What inspired you to raise funds for the Australian Rhino Project?

Ela: I have been to South Africa and seen Rhinos in their natural environment. We have been discussing with my friends what charity to help and we all love Rhinos.

Persia: I was inspired to donate money for the rhinos by a video that I saw, talking about the rhinos and how they became endangered. I was shocked to find out how few rhinos are alive today and I donated to them because I want to raise funds to have more enclosures for the rhinos so that they cannot be poached.

How did you raise your funds?

Ela: My great friend Persia was having a sleepover at my house and we decided to make homemade lemonade to sell in front of our house on Thursday afternoon and Friday Easter weekend. We had someone from the Australian Rhino Project stop and that’s why we decided to donate to you guys :) Your work is amazing.

Persia: Ela and I raised the funds by making lemonade at home and setting up a lemonade stand right outside her house on the side of the pathway we sold The lemonade for $1 per cup and did this for 2 days, we raised $56.

Why do you love rhinos so much?

Ela: I love rhinos so much because they are so majestic and they look so beautiful also I feel upset that they are getting poached, so we feel the need to help.

Persia: I love rhinos because they are such beautiful creatures and they don’t deserve to be hurt in the way that some were. No animal should be punished like that.

The girls had a fun Easter weekend selling lemonade for rhinos. Image: Aylin Cabuker

A big thank you from The Australian Rhino Project goes to Ela and Persia!

“You aren’t going to save the world on your own. But you might inspire a generation of kids to save it for all of us. You would be amazed at what inspired children can do.” — Jade Goodall

If you are interested in fundraising for The Australian Rhino Project, please click this link for everything you need to host a successful event:




Australian Rhino Project
Fundraising Heroes

The Australian Rhino Project An ambitious project to establish a breeding herd of rhino in Australia as an insurance population for the world.