AI Adoption: Sparking Digital Transformation in Nonprofits and Charities


In recent decades, fast-evolving digital technologies have fundamentally reshaped nearly every sector of society. While businesses readily adapt and leverage cutting-edge technology, the nonprofit world often lags behind. This slow pace of digital transformation in charities has hindered their ability to maximize impact and reach those in need. Now, with the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), nonprofits and charities face yet another challenge to tap their limited resources and adapt to a fast-breaking tech wave — maybe the biggest one yet.

The Digital Tech Struggle

Many charities today struggle with outdated technology and limited digital capabilities, and face numerous hurdles slowing their ability to adapt and adopt.

  • Institutional roadblocks: A culture resistant to change can stifle the adoption of new technologies. Staff members accustomed to traditional methods may be apprehensive about AI integration.
  • Chronic underfunding: Tight budgets often prioritize program delivery over technology upgrades. Nonprofits often operate on the margins, making significant investments in AI seem like a luxury they can’t afford.
  • Lack of digital expertise: Nonprofits may lack the in-house talent or resources to navigate the complexities of AI. They may not have staff members with the technical skills needed to implement, maintain, and utilize AI tools effectively.
  • Ambiguous vision: Senior leadership might not have a clear understanding of how digital tools and AI can benefit the organization. Without a well-defined vision and strategy for AI adoption, implementation becomes haphazard and potentially ineffective.
  • Limited success stories: The scarcity of successful AI implementations in the nonprofit sector creates hesitation among potential adopters. With few examples to learn from, nonprofits may be wary of venturing into uncharted territory.

It’s no surprise when AI is met with trepidation and hesitation. There’s a well-worn trail of over-hyped tech and unrealized promises behind us.

However, AI may represent a seismic shift for nonprofits that choose to embrace it, bringing not just another new tech tool, but a radical reimagining of how they operate, engage with their communities, and fulfill their missions.

AI as a Transformative Force in Charities

AI holds immense potentialfFor nonprofits to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness. From automating administrative tasks to personalizing donor experiences, AI can revolutionize how charities operate.

AI-powered systems can continuously analyze donor data to identify giving patterns, predict future contributions, and personalize outreach strategies. AI can also automate tedious tasks like grant application processing or data entry, freeing up staff time for more impactful work, such as building relationships with donors and beneficiaries. This ultimately allows nonprofits to deliver greater value to their beneficiaries with a leaner and more efficient team.

Overcoming Barriers to AI Adoption

One significant barrier to AI adoption is the cost associated with it. Enterprise-grade AI solutions often come with a high price tag, making them inaccessible for many smaller nonprofits. However, the landscape is changing with the advent of free and low-cost foundation models like ChatGPT, which have opened new avenues for AI integration. These models offer a gateway to a wide array of AI capabilities without the need for substantial financial investment.

The growing ecosystem of cloud-based AI applications, tailored for the nonprofit sector and available at minimal cost, also provides practical, AI-driven tools that require little to no technical expertise for implementation. This democratizes access to AI technology, making it feasible for resource-limited organizations to leverage.

Additionally, nonprofits can investigate grant opportunities specifically targeting AI adoption in the nonprofit sector. Foundations and tech sponsors recognize the potential of AI for social good and have begun to offer financial support to facilitate its implementation within the charitable sector.

Key to AI adoption success is building a digital-savvy culture within the organization. Staff members accustomed to traditional methods of fundraising, program delivery, and data analysis may be apprehensive about AI integration. To address these anxieties, nonprofits can provide training on AI and its potential benefits. This empowers staff members to understand how AI can complement their work and improve overall efficiency.

The foundational pillar for successful AI adoption is for leadership to champion the adoption process and clearly articulate the long-term vision for AI within the organization. Senior leadership needs to be enthusiastic about AI and communicate this enthusiasm to staff members. This sets the tone for the organization and encourages buy-in from all levels.

Purposeful AI adoption

Nonprofit and charity workers have already begun using AI in ad-hoc ways through experimentation with ChatGPT, testing out Copilot or Gemini in office applications, or using AI-enhanced design and creation tools. While there can be real productivity gains, the impacts are limited in not being tied to a larger process that gathers and shares learnings and builds real capacity.

More impactful results can be expected from a more purpose-driven approach, akin to a digital transformation process, that considers the opportunities and implications of AI and develops a comprehensive plan that engages with management, staff, stakeholders and community to ensure AI outocmes are mission-centred and shared with everyone.

Purposeful Adoption: A Step-by-Step Process

Nonprofits taking a purpose-driven approach toward AI adoption can follow a staged process that keeps the compass pointed toward best outcomes:

  1. Conduct a needs assessment: Identify areas within your organization where AI can best address existing challenges and optimize workflows. Focus on areas with repetitive tasks that consume a significant amount of staff time or areas where data analysis can be enhanced.
  2. Research AI solutions: Explore affordable and user-friendly AI tools specifically designed for the nonprofit sector. Look for solutions that are cloud-based, require minimal technical expertise, and offer good customer support.
  3. Follow a purposeful AI strategy: Don’t just jump on the AI bandwagon. Set out a purpose-driven strategy that outlines your goals, budget, timeline, and risk mitigation measures. Ensure your AI strategy aligns with your overall organizational mission and digital transformation roadmap.
  4. Collaborate and Share: Don’t go it alone. Reach out to your stakeholders, allies, partners, and industry experts to learn from their challenges and successes. Look for partners with a track record of successful AI implementations in the nonprofit sector.

Innovation Frameworks for AI Adoption

The rise of AI follows previous waves of new digital technologies that have been adapted and adopted by nonprofits, including personal computers the Internet, cell phones, and social media. These have sometimes been difficult periods of transition, and have led to the development of Digital Transformation models to help guide organizations through structural and cultural changes.

Because AI is poised to disrupt not only technology systems but also job roles and management processes, transformation models that focus on the human aspect of technology integration may be most appropriate.

Here are a few innovation frameworks that are well-suited to AI adoption:

  1. Design Thinking and Human-Centered Design (HCD) both prioritize understanding and addressing the actual needs of the users (staff, donors, beneficiaries). This user-centric approach ensures that AI solutions are not just technologically advanced but also genuinely useful and usable for the people who will interact with them daily. By focusing on empathy and real-world contexts, these models help in creating solutions that are more likely to be embraced and effectively integrated into existing workflows.
  2. The ADKAR Model recognizes that the adoption of AI technologies is not just a technical challenge but also a human and organizational one. It provides a structured approach to managing change, emphasizing the importance of preparing individuals for transformation through awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement. This model ensures that the human side of AI adoption is addressed, increasing the likelihood of successful integration and long-term use. It’s particularly useful in environments where AI could significantly alter how tasks are performed, requiring careful management of the transition.
  3. Living Labs offer a practical solution to the challenge of implementing rapidly advancing AI technologies. By creating a controlled environment for experimentation within the organization, Living Labs allow for real-world testing and refinement of AI tools and processes without the risk of widespread disruption. This model encourages innovation and learning, making it easier to assess the potential impacts and benefits of AI before full-scale implementation. It provides valuable insights into how AI can be effectively leveraged to enhance operational efficiency and service delivery.

By following a purposeful, mission-focused, and human-centered approach to AI adoption, nonprofits can develop AI solutions that are practical, impactful, and well-received by the organization and all of its stakeholders.

Moving Forward with Care

AI is not a magic bullet, and ethical considerations surrounding bias and data privacy must be carefully addressed. Nonprofits need to ensure that their AI solutions are fair, transparent, and accountable. However, the transformative potential of AI in the nonprofit sector is undeniable. By embracing AI and strategically integrating it into their digital strategy, charities can unlock new levels of efficiency, improve donor engagement, and ultimately increase their impact on the causes they champion. This paves the way for a future where the nonprofit sector thrives in the digital age, delivering greater value to those in need and creating a more just and equitable world.


  • Articles and How-to’s on fundraising with AI
  • AI Readiness assessment for nonprofits
  • Workshops and Training: ChatGPT for nonprofit staff and leaders
  • Kicking off an AI Pilot program

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George Irish - Fundraising with AI
Fundraising with AI

Views and analysis on charity fundraising using Artificial Intelligence