[EVENT] FUNKEYpay development team gave a lecture on Blockchain in Dongduk Women’s University
Hello, this is FUNKEYpay :)
This time, we brought a very special news!
As you’ve already noticed in the title, FUNKEYpay development team gave a lecture in Dongduk Women’s University from Jan 7 to 9.
FUNKEYpay development team was invited by Dongduk Women’s University’s Computer engineering Department.
With about 30 students, the lecture was given for 2 hours.
The main topic was ‘Overview of Bitcoin and Ethereum, Understanding of Turing completeness and Making my Token’.
The details of lecture are below.
▶DAY 1
TOPIC : Overview of Bitcoin and Ethereum
* The creation of Bitcoin
* Byzantine Generals Problem
* Proof Of Work
* 51% Attack
* Summary of Ethereum
* How to create Account & Electronic signature
* Concept of GAS
▶DAY 2
TOPIC : Turing completeness and Solidity
* Smart Contract
* Solidity
▶DAY 3
TOPIC : How to Create an ERC20 Token
* Concept of EIP&ERC
* ERC 20 Function
* Install Metamask and Make account
* Make Smart Contract
The Blockchain lecture was given by three developers of FUNKEYpay in Dongduk Women’s University.
Despite the winter vacation, many students participated and concentrated on the lecture during the three days of lecture.
We look forward to getting more opportunities for developers in the future to educate many people about the technical features and paradigms of Blockchain.