[Fun Fam Taiwan] Engine Bai — Frontend Lead

Rebecca Liou
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2021

FunNow 能夠成為一個都會人士愛用的 App,產品團隊可謂是最重要的核心部門了!大白在產品部門中,擔任的是前端開發領導。過去的他也曾自己創業,當時是以旅遊行程作為出發,透過人工智慧依照旅人想去的地方、天數和預算,安排出最適合的完整行程,行程包含景點、美食、住宿和交通;也曾在外商公司擔任 PM 兼 UI 設計兼 Android 工程師。後來到影音直播集團 M17,負責各項專案,更加練就他快速因應各個需求要執行落實的實力。

經歷過不同專案與團隊的大白,在 FunNow 產品團隊中觀察到的文化是尊重每個人的專業與意見,也因此成員們願意在問題出現時分享自己的想法。他認為一個團隊擁有互信與良好的氛圍很重要,當公司因為新政策,或是其他部門提出需求時,FunNow 的產品團隊總是以積極樂觀的心態去面對,並且能夠明確拆分成每個步驟及目標逐步完成。這講求自主管理與自由,讓每個人能夠提配自己的工作進度,不僅能夠完成工作,也能和生活平衡,這是再重要不過的了!接下來,大白期待持續為 FunNow 及自己成長,除了深耕專業之外,也期許自己發展領導管理的能力。

# 開發者

這不只是大白在工作上的一個代名詞,其實也是他將興趣作為專長的一個自我定義。而身為一個產品的開發,不論是目標訂定、企劃、溝通協調,到執行都很重要,每個環節都不容馬虎。在 FunNow 的產品團隊中,工作流程讓他看到一個跑得很扎實的 scrum 流程(短時間衝刺、衝刺過程會邊調整方向、衝刺結束後會有小成果)。這樣明確且節奏明快的過程,除了是個很好的訓練之外,大白認為更重要的是能夠阻擋隕石開發的情況發生。這其實也是身為一個開發者最需要的認知,如何在掌握資源下,帶著團隊向目標前進。

# 運動員


# 專注

大白不論是在工作上或是生活上都奉行著「專注」,而他認為這需要搭配自律。因此他每年訂定出自己的目標,甚至還有季目標。大白分享,這件事從 2011 年就開始進行,近三四年更加落實,甚至還會每季回頭檢視自己是否達成,若沒有達成該如何修正。大白認為這樣明確且有進程的設定,能夠幫助他一步步達成人生目標。而近期,他與太太訂定出他們共同的大目標,是要朝財富自由邁進。他笑著說:「其實這就和我開發每個產品一樣,都要一步步扎實、穩定地執行,才能夠走到終點」。

更多大白的專業領域分享,歡迎到他的 Blog 閱讀:

FunNow is the leading destination of real-time and last minute reservation for local entertainments and leisure. The contributions from the product team in FunNow play an important role, and Engine Bai leads the frontend and app development in this team. Bai was the co-founder of his startup which focused on AI-powered trip planning app. He also joined M17, Taiwan’s famous live streaming company (almost closed to IPO in U.S.), was responsible for the new social media app. The experiences mentioned above made him grow so fast, and be skillful for developing the app from raw idea to real product.

With several years of app development and team lead experience, Bai joined the big family, FunNow in 2020. He discovered that there are quite a few great cultures drive the team:

  • Respect each other and his/her professionals.
  • Treat everyone as equal: everyone regardless of seniority or experience has the equal rights to share their ideas or options, make a suggestion, propose the solution.
  • Willingness to communicate and build a trusted environment.
  • Great responsibility with great freedom and self-discipline, everyone has the goal(s) and he/she can have a self-paced way to accomplish his/her jobs.
  • Work-life balance, have fun both at work and in your life.

In this year, Bai set up the goal to become more competent in the app development field, try his best to lead the frontend team, enjoy the journey of leadership and management and grow with FunNow.

# Developer

Software development is not only Bai’s daily job or profession, but also one of his interests that drives him to dive in deeper. In the product team, every developer should pay attention to detail, from roadmap/goals setting, features planning, communication to execution. What impressed him the most in this team is how they run Scrum development flow, (A framework that runs a sprint that will go through planning, implementing, releasing in short period, a feedback-driven development flow), it can make the team’s progress more transparent between the members and stakeholders, everyone knows the priority and what (not) to do now, more than that, the transparency and clear priority can prevent the unexpected requirements that will break the development flow. This is quite crucial and has the key impact on the team, especially when they have limited resources, so that pushes us to think about our goals, what should be the top priority for every decision.

# Athlete

Lean and muscular are the best ways to describe Bai’s appearance. He is an amateur athlete, loves to exercise after work or on the weekend, including playing basketball, running, hiking, workout, badminton, tennis…etc..

One of his favorite hiking routes, he said, is “Stegosaurus Ridge” (in Taiwan’s north east coast), the most challenging and breathtaking area to visit, you can enjoy the stunning medley of the ocean, mountains and the sky and have to be very careful when climbing the rocks.

Bai’s favorite exercises involve the members joining, and it also means that Bai is still a team player even if he is not at work.

# Focus

“Focus on getting what I want” is Bai’s philosophy in his life, which also requires self-discipline. He has set the annual, quarter life goals since 2011 (roughly 10 years ago) and reviewed the performance from his goal-settings and tried to improve for the next round. Bai really enjoys the road to his ultimate goals with tons of focus and effort. Recently, he has a new goal: “finance independence” with his wife, he studied how the stock market works in his free time. “With a great roadmap + focus + solid execution makes great outcomes, just like that way I develop the product” he said in the end with a smile.

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