[Fun Fam Taiwan] Leo Zen— Overseas Marketing Manager

Rebecca Liou
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2021

FunNow 給予用戶多采多姿的享樂體驗,讓人們的生活不是一成不變,這樣不願受拘束的風格,就如同 Leo 的性格一樣!主掌海外市場行銷及台灣區數位行銷的 Leo,卻是地質系的背景,甚至出國深造打算當地質工程師。而在國外唸書時,因緣際會擔任了台灣學生會會長,需要思索什麼樣的行銷方法與內容,才能吸引人們對台灣文化有興趣,並且來參加活動。進而開啟了他對「行銷」領域的好奇與興趣,造就了他後來踏上行銷職涯之路。

非行銷科班出身的 Leo 展現十足的積極與熱情,讓他在求職路上撬開新領域,返台後順利踏入相關工作。喜歡與朋友聚餐喝酒的他,認為工作與生活的平衡是很重要的,所以加入 FunNow,而他過去受理工科背景的訓練,也使他在工作上能夠保持實驗精神,同時又以數據踏實驗證。從旁人眼中,Leo 是個做事有依據,且待人有溫度的工作者,不僅工作專業,對待團隊成員也充滿善意與耐心,夥伴們總是能夠獲得他的建議或協助。

#Thinking Now 思而後行

不管是在生活上或是在工作上,Leo 認為最重要的事情是要「思考」,不論是為什麼而做,或如何進行一件事的步驟,都需要不斷地反思。他堅信,一件事只要想得通,而非為做而做,那事情就能夠踏實且有依據。這也是 FunNow 的團隊文化之一,當遇到不如預期的狀況時,會將問題拆解出區塊與步驟,讓不同部門針對自己能夠調整的地方去修正。

#Living Now 活在當下

Leo 有一個特別的喜好,是「騎摩托車」。不論天氣晴或刮風下雨,他大多喜歡用騎機車代步,Leo 說這種掌握自己方向但又帶有隨意的感覺,讓他覺得自己是活在當下的。應用到工作上,他認為這也很重要,「我們需要活在當下,而不是被過去的錯誤給束縛」他說。因為過去的挫折經驗可以帶來好的調整,只要找到方法,我們就不該拘泥於過去。

#Fun Now 享受即刻

外顯特質很明顯的 Leo,用他的樂觀去看待生活中不如意,因為人生很長,很多時候一件事現在不順,或許會是未來很棒的養分。「人生近看是悲劇,遠看其實是喜劇,所以我們應該都要享受即刻,Fun Now 吧!」而訪談前,即將升格當新手爸爸的 Leo 也興奮地期待孩子的誕生(此文出刊時,Leo 孩子已經出生了!),他相信這個身份也將會是人生中值得享受的與充滿樂趣的事!

FunNow provides users with diversified experiences of enjoyment so that their lives will not be stuck in a rut. As chance would have it, the unwillingness of being restrained is quite similar to Leo’s character and lifestyle. Leo, the Overseas Marketing Manager of FunNow, actually graduated with a bachelor degree in geoscience, and even once planned to work as a geological engineer! However, during the time of studying abroad, he acted as the coordinator of the Taiwanese Student Alliance on the strength of serendipity. As a consequence, the marketing strategy to promote Taiwanese culture and activities became the most urgent issue for him. Through his experience of holding campaigns, Leo opened up his curiosity and interest in the marketing field, which further prompted him to embark on his online marketing journey.

Despite the fact that Leo did not receive much professional training in the marketing field, he still found a job successfully after returning to Taiwan by showing his passion proactively. Aside from his enthusiasm, Leo regards reaching a balance between work and life as his main priority since he enjoys dining or drinking together with his friends. Hence, he chose to join the FunNow family. Moreover, by means of abundant training in science and engineering, Leo persists in maintaining his experiment spirit, and examines every fact with reliable statistics. To sum up, Leo is a down-to-earth and warm-hearted person in the eyes of his colleagues. He is not only professional, but also kind and patient, and is always willing to offer help and advice to his teammates.

#Thinking Now

Leo considers “thinking” the most important element that forms his work and daily life. No matter what the reason is or the moves are, the process of “reflective thinking” is necessary. As long as the action of “thinking” is undergone thoroughly, the sense of dependableness emerges naturally. This actually matches one of the corporate cultures of FunNow. When a tough problem appears unexpectedly, the hot potato will be separated into several parts, and then distributed to different departments to solve the problem collectively.

#Living Now

When it comes to Leo’s hobby, “riding a scooter” is often the first thought that pops up in people’s mind. Instead of driving a car or taking public transportation on a rainy day, he insists on going out by riding a scooter. Leo enjoys taking control of his own direction at will, which offers him the perfect feeling of “living now.” To our surprise, Leo applies his philosophy of life to his career as well. “If you dwell on ‘what was,’ you will miss the power of ‘what is.’” he said. Frustration results in experience, and experience leads to improvement. If only we figure out a nice approach, dwelling on “what was” in the past becomes meaningless.

#Fun Now

As an outgoing and dynamic person, Leo views the world from an optimistic perspective. In his point of view, although sometimes failures occur in our lives, they all have the chance to lay the foundation for future success. As the saying goes, “Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.” Therefore, Leo deems that he should enjoy every moment, and have “Fun Now” ! On the other hand, Leo, who is an expectant father (when this article is published, he is a new dad already!), is looking forward to the birth of his baby child with great excitement. He believes that his new identity will bring him much happiness and sweet memories.

