[Fun Fam Taiwan] LilP Lin — Visual Designer

Rebecca Liou
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2021

如果 FunNow 能夠帶給消費者們各種新奇的的圖像呈現,那視覺設計團隊絕對功不可沒。在這個爆炸性時代,如何在一個有限的方格、尺寸中,一眼瞬間吸引到大眾的目光,並且傳達出理性訴求、感性意象的消費資訊,這是 FunNow 視覺設計團隊每天都在面對的挑戰。作為視覺設計部門主管的小P,悠悠地說了一句:「『觀察』是因為覺得自己不夠,因為世界很大」,這句話不只是她面對專業的態度,可能還是她人生的座右銘之一。

身為視覺設計團隊主管,需要接收各個部門的需求,帶領團隊將資訊轉譯成圖像呈現。每天都要不斷地在「管理者」及「設計師」兩個角色之間轉換,小P 坦言自己的確熱愛設計工作大於管理者,「個性使然,我熱愛自由,連自己都不容易管理了,何況管理團隊」小P 說。但她如今也在這兩個角色取得了平衡:「現在我覺得,因為管理者的角色,讓我有主導權更能決定設計的方向,也引領團隊給他們更多可能,讓團隊一起成長」。

# 叛逆而無法被定義

工業設計背景的小P,過去曾在職棒聯盟工作過,當時的她需要負責跟協力的工作包含社群、官網維運、網路新媒體,甚至是營隊活動及紀錄片專案,許多工作項目也是職棒聯盟非常新的嘗試,就如同小P的思考模式,總是跨界、不斷打破原本框架,而無法被定義。「想要把喜歡的事情做到最好,而且想把錢變成酷酷的東西」,小P 本著這樣的心態出發,面對工作上的專案時,總是期待在預算內達到更好效果,創造出「酷酷的東西」向大眾呈現分享。

# 義氣來自於責任心

小P 說自己非常享受和團隊一起合作的感覺,因為過去曾經接案過,更篤定自己是需要「隊友」的。設計不論是從一開始的「腦洞大開」發想階段、細細收斂的落實思想階段,到按部就班的執行階段,都非常需要團隊成員互相激盪,並提供不同的生活經驗,進而分工合作完成。「我很喜歡那種跟戰友一起前進的狀態,還有互相幫忙的感覺」小P 說,義氣與責任心常常在她工作狀態連動,團隊成員總是在需要與被需要的角色中轉換,而就是因為這樣的戰友革命情感,讓她總是願意「多管閒事一點」,來讓事情更好地完成。

# 好奇心是一切根源

「我常常發現一件有趣事情就會追根究底」所以小P 工作及生活時間也幾乎沒有明確時間點,有時候凌晨兩三點多,在網路上發現一些新奇的議題,她就會去查找更多相關資訊了解來龍去脈。就像她一開始說的,世界真的太大了,因此好奇心總是驅動她去觀察、閱讀,吸收更多養份來讓自己成長。在她這樣的性格之下,也造就她心中總是充滿眾多叛逆因子,隨時都在鼓譟,將這樣的特質回歸到她的專業,未來也將帶給 FunNow 更多不同面向的視覺設計呈現。

If FunNow could offer consumers a wide variety of novel pictures, then the visual design team should deserve all the credit. In the information explosion era, finding an effective way to attract public attention and convey details accurately in a limited grid becomes the most challenging part for our visual design team. “The reason why I ‘observe’ all the time is because the world is huge, but time is little,” said LilP, the lead of the visual design team. This not only demonstrates her specialty, but also reveals her positive attitude towards life.

As the lead of the visual design team, LilP always has to receive numerous needs from different departments, and guide her team members to transfer information into impressive designs. Besides, LilP has to constantly switch between the role of “managing” and “designing”. “I prefer visual designing to managing because I love freedom,” she said. “It is already hard to manage myself, let alone the design team.” Fortunately, LilP has reached a balance between the two contrasting roles. “Now I think that the role of managing offers me the chance to stay in the driver’s seat, and provides our team with more possibilities.”

# Rebellious & Undefined

Graduated from the industrial design department, LilP has worked in the Chinese Professional Baseball League in the past. At that time, she was in charge of social media marketing, website maintenance, and new media, along with camp activities and documentary projects. Similar to LilP’s mindset, these tasks were all new attempts and could hardly be defined, pushing her to think outside the box continually. “I often pursue myself the deepest while doing things I like the best, and hope to change money into ‘cool stuff’”. In other words, LilP is always looking forward to achieving her desired result, and creating “cool stuff” to share with others.

# Loyalty Comes From Responsibility

Through the past experiences of working on a piecework basis, LilP is quite certain that she is a “team player”. Whether in the initial design thinking phase or the final implementation stage, it is necessary for her team members to brainstorm brilliant ideas, provide different life experiences, and work together smoothly. “I really enjoy cooperating with others, and I like the feeling of supporting each other,” LilP said. To her, personal loyalty comes from the sense of responsibility. Therefore, LilP believes that the role of her team members is always changing: sometimes they are the ones who offer help, but sometimes, they are the ones who need help. In short, it is because of their bonded relationship that makes LilP enthusiastic to help others, and successfully complete their tasks together.

# Curiosity Is The Essence Of Everything

“I often get to the bottom of something after I find it interesting.” To LilP, there is no specific time to work or to live. If she spots any intriguing issues online at 2 or 3 o’clock in the early morning, she would still search for more information to have a clearer picture of them. Just like what she has said in the very beginning: the world is huge, and what always urges her to observe, read and absorb more nutrients to grow is her curiosity. As a consequence, LilP is always full of rebellious ideas, and with her specialty, she would definitely bring more innovative visual designs to FunNow in the future.

