A Guy’s Primer to Understanding Female Communication

Start by reviewing all 2,174 people she follows on Instagram

Philip S. Naudus
Funny, Inc.


Congratulations! You’ve received the coveted eye roll, a clear sign you’re on the right track. (Michael Gaida/freepik/author)

Deciphering a girl’s nonverbal communication is one of the most challenging skills a guy can ever hope to master. To this day, female cues continue to challenge the world’s foremost experts in psychology, sociology, and neurobiology. Fortunately, I’ve learned some important tips for overcoming the gender barrier.

Suppose you check Instagram one morning and notice the cute girl who sits next to you in math class has clicked the “heart” icon on the photo of your review sheet. Is she flirting, or is this just a casual gesture of admiration? First things first, gather some data.

The obvious place to start is by reviewing all 2,174 people she follows, cataloging their genders, and compiling a detailed breakdown of your crush’s liking habits. After crunching the numbers, you discover how a mere 42.8% of the photos she’s liked belong to males, and a staggering 1.9% were allocated to posts featuring inanimate objects. Congratulations! You are a rare recipient of her digital affection.

Despite this small victory, it’s important not to get too cocky. This isn’t the time to write a 5,000-word love letter revealing everything you discovered while stalking her. Yes, her bowel movement was a…



Philip S. Naudus
Funny, Inc.

High school teacher by day, koala by night. My wife is a cartoonist with a Ph.D., and she co-authors all of these articles.