New Beginnings in Comedy

A Letter to Funny, Inc. — My First Piece

A new writer stands before greatness

Mark Ewbie
Funny, Inc.
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2024


A stand up comedian delivering zingers to an audience
“Comic” drawn by Mark Ewbie

Dear Sir / Madam,

I hope those are the correct pronouns.

Thank you for giving me the chance to write for Funny, Inc. The best comedy publication on Medium, without a doubt.

I feel like a young comic — standing behind the curtain before their first performance. Nervous, yes, but optimistic that all will be OK.

As you know, not all comics deliver rat-a-tat jokes, one hilarious punchline after another. Some develop a theme, a running gag to build on. Others may have a persona — crafted over many years of work.

There are a few who are naturally gifted — no panic the night before, desperately searching for a decent joke. Oh, if only I had a small piece of that talent.

But you know all this, editor of the premium comedy site known as Funny, Inc. You have seen them come and go. You have laughed along with them and savored every moment. I imagine the joy of reading newly submitted pieces from wannabe comics whose friends have told them how funny they are.

My friends don’t describe me as funny. I don’t do a jokey persona or rat-a-tat jokes. Not for me the cheap easy humor that…

