Gun Violence is Bad. Really Bad. Like, Seriously Bad.

We’re talking about a level of badness that should inspire action from, you know, someone

Philip S. Naudus
Funny, Inc.


The only permanent solution is to look the other way (Daniel30rretx/Wikimedia Commons/author)

Many of you think there’s a solution to gun violence. Perhaps there is, but all the proposals would require far too much effort. And as your representatives, we’re not really into that whole “putting in effort” sort of thing.

Instead of wasting our precious resources trying to figure out which course of action to take — and then investing even more energy into implementing whatever we decide — I’d rather spend my time enjoying a pipe with the choicest tobacco and reclining in a fine leather chair. But whenever yet another school shooting appears on the news, we’re expected to do something that makes it look like we actually care.

Let’s make one thing clear. We, your esteemed representatives, are exhausted. We start the day by sitting in offices, then it’s off to sitting in a conference room, and finally everyone gets together and sits through interminable speeches that stretch on for hours. And just when I think we’ve reached the end, another speaker takes the stage, and we all steel ourselves for yet another onslaught of rhetoric.

After all this sitting, we simply don’t have the energy to do anything about the issues plaguing our…



Philip S. Naudus
Funny, Inc.

High school teacher by day, koala by night. My wife is a cartoonist with a Ph.D., and she co-authors all of these articles.