I Love Popping Me Some Cherries šŸ˜

Why are you all looking at me like that?

The Accidental Monster
Funny, Inc.


Photo by Quaritsch Photography on Unsplash

Cherry-popping is an obsession for me. I love the sweet, juicy center of properly ripened fruit. Thereā€™s a sweet spot for cherry popping, too. Itā€™s important to wait for nature to take its course; itā€™s no fun to pop an underdeveloped cherry. But waiting too long isnā€™t any better. Sagging skin makes for a squishy mouth feel.

Popping cherries in the mouth is a lot easier to clean up than the hands. The juices can get everywhere! Sometimes it squirts, leaving droplets of red running across my knuckles. I like to lick my fingers clean when that happens, but my partner tells me I should just rinse them off. Heā€™s no fun.

Wait, why are you staring at me in disgust? Donā€™t tell me you donā€™t like cherries!? Itā€™s the most common flavor for red, which is the most liked fruit flavor. Maybe youā€™re popping rotten cherries? I did warn you about those older ones. The skin should be firm, but not hard. Thereā€™s that look again.

I canā€™t help it! I just love cherries so much! Even when it dribbles down my chin or stains my clothes and washcloths. Itā€™s messy, sure but the fruit is so rewarding. My mouth is watering now. Good thing I have some cherries waiting in the other room. I donā€™t mind if theyā€™re frigid; sometimes I warm them up first, but usually, I just getā€¦



The Accidental Monster
Funny, Inc.

I am weird, spiritual, and deep. Accidentally monstrous at times, but usually with good intentions. https://linktr.ee/theaccidentalmonster