Knock Out

Not quite ready to throw in the towel

Connie Song
Funny, Inc.


Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Let’s talk love first.

We met and fell in love.

He was fascinated by my tongue.

I’m a writer and linguist — so I’ve been known to impress some blokes with words and language skills.

Idioms. Expressions. Metaphors.

For a while, it was the best of both worlds.

He told his friends I was a knockout.

What??!! I mean, I’m an Eleven, maybe, but certainly no Ten.

Picture Big Bang Theory. Or How I Met Your Mother.

Or Stranger Things — yes, that Eleven.

Or Bo Derek’s second cousin once removed on her father’s side — the one who doesn’t shave her armpits or legs often enough.

I know I would fit right in with those groupings of intellectual babes.
I might even be a knockout in that ring.

But who am I to judge? This brings us a step closer to focusing on the multiple meanings of the word — knockout.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary and the School of Hard Knocks —

  • a knockout is a term used in boxing or combative sports to describe the act of being rendered unconscious or knocked out by a physical blow when the fighter is unable to get up within a specified time limit.
  • a knockout is also slang for someone considered extremely attractive or appealing.
  • knocked out refers to becoming exhausted or overwhelmed by something. For example, “That night-time flu medicine really knocked
    me out, and I was finally able to get some sleep.”

What fascinates me most about language is how it evolves or when it becomes colloquial slang.

Is a knockout a person who stands head-and-shoulders above all the rest in your eyes; do they make you weak in the knees?

Who or what knocks your socks off? I’d love to know.

Grace notes: At one time, I was highly offended by the term “intellectual babe.”
Now, it’s something I dream of in my deepest moments of REM sleep. I wonder what changed.

© Connie Song 2024. All Rights Reserved.



Connie Song
Funny, Inc.

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