SoulCrushr: The Fast Track to Romantic Despair

Skip straight to heartbreak in record time

Philip S. Naudus
Funny, Inc.


Now with all the emotional devastation you could ever want conveniently packaged into one streamlined experience (22962316/Pixabay/author)

Are you exhausted from swiping through an endless sea of profiles only to muster the courage for an awkward first date that inevitably leads to a drawn-out, agonizing relationship?

With SoulCrushr, you can skip straight to heartbreak in record time. It’s like speed dating, but with all the emotional devastation you could ever want conveniently packaged into one streamlined experience. Say goodbye to the endless cycle of hope and disappointment. From now on, it’s all disappointment.

Using patented technology that represents years of research and innovation, SourCrushr masterfully simulates a whirlwind romance complete with virtual family dinners where parents express disappointment in your weight, insufficient education, and career trajectory.

Every morning, you’ll receive a personalized digest of your friends’ social media feeds, highlighting the apparent bliss of everyone else’s relationships. Our advanced sentiment analysis dives deep into the captions and comments accompanying each photo, extracting subtle nuances to confirm just how much happier everyone else is compared to you.

Meanwhile, your virtual partner will begin to open up, offering tantalizing glimpses of intimacy and connection…



Philip S. Naudus
Funny, Inc.

High school teacher by day, koala by night. My wife is a cartoonist with a Ph.D., and she co-authors all of these articles.