Top City Buses that I’ve Almost Been Hit By

These things are hunting me for sport, and I’m terrified.

Doug Fowler
Funny, Inc.


one of the buses that is seemingly hunting me for sport (

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We all know that the coolest and most stylish way to get around town is via a publicly funded 40-foot-long rectangle on wheels that never reaches over 17 miles per hour. What a lot of people don’t know, however, is that a huge majority of New York City bus drivers have been trying to intentionally collide head-first into my unassuming person and roll over my ragdoll (yet still fully conscious) body until all that’s left of me is streaks of crimson red and flayed strands of meat lying dispersed across five city blocks.

Some of them have almost gotten me, too, but still no dice. Credit where it’s due, though; there have been some pretty impressive attempts of vehicular manslaughter made upon my life, so let’s go through some of the best.


almost got me with this one! haha… (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

This one has a special place in my heart as it was the first bus that made me realize that the MTA was intentionally trying to erase me from God’s Green Earth.



Doug Fowler
Funny, Inc.

I like to write about comedy and pop culture. Sometimes other stuff, too. It's pretty exciting around here.