AA Group Jokes

Vlad Pelvitski
Funny Jokes
Published in
1 min readJul 29, 2014


  • I recently joined “Alcoholic Anonymous” group. For the third straight day, I drink anonymously with people I have just met.
  • I was told to never procrastinate. If I drink in the morning, the rest of the day will be free.
  • I insisted that I only drink, two times a year: On my birthday and not on my birthday.
  • I proclaimed to never needing a drink. All the drinks I had were unnecessary.
  • I mentioned that my doctors recommended me to watch my drinking. So I went to the bar which had a nice big mirror.
  • Quitting drinking is easy. I myself have done it hundreds of times.
  • Drink or no Drink, there is no try.
  • I quickly learned that the difference between an Alcoholic and a Drunk, is one of them attends meetings.
  • To make sure I was still sober to drive, I went to DMV site to calculate: how many drinks ago I would have qualified for DUI; turns-out i was constantly under-drinking.



Vlad Pelvitski
Funny Jokes

"Quality is not an act. It is a habit." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ formerly@medium