The Ship Is Free, Why Am I So Sad

Put it back…. put it BACK

Funny Or Die
Funny Or Die


Suez Canal Authority via AFP/Get

Last week the world was captivated by Ever Given, the cargo ship that became lodged in the Suez Canal, effectively halting 12% of the world’s trade for a full work week. This caused many people to say, “Hey, perhaps it’s not very good that a single waterway’s functionality can make or break a sizeable chunk of global trade.”

But then a much more important revelation was made, which was that Ever Given’s final course before getting stuck in the canal drew a giant dick and ass in the Red Sea.

Vessel Finder

There was never an official comment given by the crew or Evergreen Marine, the company to which the ship is registered, on why this impressively detailed course was charted, but that’s fine. We don’t need an answer, all that matters is that it happened.

Suez Canal Authority

The next updates in this ridiculous saga came from the Suez Canal Authority, which included a picture of the…

